Dang I love Vegas!!

by oompa 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Just got back...what a city....still booming. I think I could live there awhile. Only lost 400 bucks on poker, and played for many an hour...If I had just hit an 8 on the river I would have actually made 300. But what a social game....you can really get to know people this way.....oompa

    and always have lunch at "top of the world" in the stratosphere.....what a view

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Oompa! Buddy!

    Next time you are hitting Vegas you gotta let me know!

    I could hook up with you down there and we could have some laughs.

    Peace, bro!

    The Oracle

  • oompa

    Where do you hail from Oracle?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Thankfully I am always only a plane ride away from Las Vegas!

    Are you within driving distance?

    I love that town too.

    The Oracle

  • oompa

    crap no, I am in nc, but got direct S. West for only 140 roundtrip. I only go about once a year for business/fun

  • PEC

    Oompa, I am glad you enjoyed yourself, you deserve it.


  • Dagney

    Me too Oompa! Glad you had a good time!

  • worldtraveller

    2 years ago I took the family to Primm Nevada. It's 20 minutes away and it was only 28 bucks a night at Whiskey Pete's. The weather was comfortable in March for spring break. On the way back, we spent a few days in San Fran. It was fun driving through the Mojave looking at all the Joshua trees. I remember as a kid watching b&w movies filmed in the desert an thinking how wierd the trees looked. Never had any idea those trees live in 120F temperatures in the summer with no water and freeze ocasionally in the winter.

    Anyway glad you liked it. Did you see the big screen in the Freemont street area? Interesting show to view in the evening.

  • rekless

    I lived there from 2001-2005 enjoyed it, and such miss it. I now live in South Dakota.

    My Daughter lives there and works at South Point Casino.

  • feenx

    Hell yeah! LOVE the vegas!

    My GF and I went this past summer for her B-day. We got a jacuzzi suite at the Tropicana, it was a blast! And if you're looking to still get the good drinks without spending too much cash, we shocked, the Bellagio of all places was right on it. There was a cocktail waitress circling the machines every few minutes. I think I spent maybe 5 bucks and got 2-3 drinks.

    We also saw Fantasy at the Luxor, it was good show. The lady was even impressed with the dancing, and who doesn't love a group of topless women on a stage?

    Oompa, where were you playing poker at?

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