Hey, thanks snakes, i woulda missed this.
We usually wind up abbreviating names, like snakes, RD or for someone like orangefatcat, OFC.
Hmmmm. what shall we call you...
I'll just say 'potential'
So, potential, if he was formerly resistant to getting dressed up, and now he's doing it, he's moved into the phase where they feel certain enough of his commitment to start trying to change him.
You may see a few more things develop, he may try to be a 'head', start getting rid of things the JW's wouldn't approve of, shunning former close associates whom the JW's would find unfit, you may want to start stashing any treasures rosaries, crosses, or secular music albums you don't want to lose.
Also any non-JW Bibles are in danger, their bible is not really a Bible, and it views all real Bibles as threats
You may also want to start educating yourself about the JW's and what is so very wrong with them so you can feign an interest and ask just the right question to get him looking at the man behind the curtain Toto is tugging on.
A bit of light reading may be in order too. are you an avid reader? Then I suggest "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz, a former member of the inner circle of the JW's. If you are not that avid a reader, I would suggest "Captives of a Concept" by Don Cameron, which is an easier read, as it condenses the logical structure of Ray Franz's book into a much easier to read format and omits all of the historical and anecdotal material. I still advise "Crisis", but you may want just the logic in a hurry and "Captives" is available as a pdf download for five bucks, very easy to conceal from your hubby the potential glazed-eye kingdom zombie (for his own good, of course)
And then there's Steve Hassan's "breaking the chains", a must.
You have a distinct advantage, he is being encouraged to limit his sources to just the WTS, but you have a vast buffet of knowledge at your disposal, and a whole board of folk who have walked this path before you and know the pitfalls well.
Potential, you have named yourself, and never forget, that you do indeed have the potential to make a difference and keep your man.
Good luck, keep in touch, and cover your tracks.