Someone please record Louder-back-Wood Vancouver radio Interview tomorrow

by AndersonsInfo 9 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • AndersonsInfo


    Attorney Kerry Louderback-Wood will be interviewed on radio, Saturday, January 26th at 4 P.M. PST. It will be a 17-minute interview on the Sean Leslie Show. Sean's program is on 3-5 P.M. Saturday. The subject will be JWs and blood transfusions.

    In the Vancouver area the show can be found on radio station AM 980.

    You can listen on the Internet: Click on "Listen Live" button.

    Thank you,


  • MeneMene


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    bttt (back to the top)

  • Fatfreek

    I just returned from that radio station web site to see what I could find. Yes, they keep copies of their shows online in what they call "audio vault". However, you must be a member (joining is free) to have access.

    I just joined and tried to access the 5pm show today but there were some technical problems. They may not have it posted yet.

    Len Miller

  • skeeter1

    It's recorded in the radio vault. I'm listening right now. It's gooooooood!


  • Fatfreek

    With the exception of the introduction of the show, the issue of the quadruplets and their need for blood, my recording begins with Louder-Back-Wood being introduced and proceeds to conclusion. I deleted the 2.5 minute commercial break.

    The problem I have is uploading. My vanity space will not allow the 4.2 Mbytes that this mp3 audio files comprises. I'll be happy to upload it if someone is willing to provide host space.

    Actually, it's no big inconvenience to simply join the radio station, then click the Audio Vault, specify the date, Jan 26, and the time, 4pm -- then sit back and listen.

    Len Miller

  • Nathan Natas
  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    as usual we all can count on NATHAN to bring us very important info. thanks for the audio link... john

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


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