Remember me being excited about my new daycare job working with children? Remember when I had to report them for hitting the 3 year old in the mouth for not covering his mouth about 3 weeks after I started?
I hadn't said much more about this job because I was trying to make it work. At any rate, it came to an end this past weekend.
For starters, I was only making minimum wage which was ok because I had to start out somewhere. They came up to all of us teachers about 2 weeks ago stating they couldn't afford paying us and if we would work for them and they pay us back at the end of Feb. with a 25% bonus. Of course we didn't like it but all of us said ok since the 25% sounded so good. A week later, they tell us in the meeting that we may have to wait till middle of teacher down since she wouldn't go for it...only 2 more left...
This Saturday, I got a letter from the government stating my childcare benefits are canceled because one piece of important paper wasn't turned in. The paper was in my boss's hand the end of December and she was suppose to fax it to them. She had lied and said she had faxed it. I called the Family and Job Services trying to get them to reinstate it since I need the assistance so I can work. She said they can't since the boss failed to turn it in and I have to go through the whole process again. Daycare around here is about $200 per child...making it $400 a week for me. The assistance helped me because they pay for it and I only pay $69 per month for the co-pay for both of my children.
My caseworker said it's not fair because she knows it wasn't my fault but it's out of her hands since it's regulations. So, now I'm pissed, not at FJS but at my boss. I got the assistance on an "emergency" and I didn't have to wait the 30 days but now I've used up my "emergency" approval. What that means is I have to reapply, wait 30 days...but I can't apply unless I have a job....I can't get a job since I don't have babysitting arrangements.
I called my boss on Saturday after I got the news and asked her about it...she finally admit that she was waiting to send it in with her Title 20 stuff for the center..."ok", I said, "but this was my personal Title 20 and not related to the center, why didn't you tell me or give the form back since this was my personal assistance?" I asked "well, how are we going to fix this"...she said she would give me a discount...a big whopping 15% of the $400 a week they would charge me!!! WTF...No Way....I said "this isn't going to work out for me and since so many things were not being ran professionally and since she is not willing to waive the fees since it was her mistake that I feel this is not the job I should be in"...she said, ok, thanks...bye.... 2 teachers down...1 left.
There is a whole lot more to this daycare that I would not be surprised if they get shut down in less than a year. Communitive Diseases are going around there and they would tell us teachers "keep quiet, we need the money". There is lice and ringworm outbreak there, btw I did call the Health Department on them and they are going to take care of it.
Teachers are forced to have more kids than allowed by ratio and licensing will be on their butts if they don't change this. They have a "we're hiring" sign up are they going to hire if they couldn't pay for us teachers???
One Teacher left and she's about to quit.
Anyway, this has been an interesting experience and I'm curious as to how this will end with the daycare. All I can do is chuckle because I've never seen a business ran so poorly. I don't have any business knowledge but even I can see all the mistakes they are doing.