Ex-Jw dating sites?

by Mizz.Eye 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mizz.Eye

    I am lonely. I am young, but I feel it would be nice to finally have a close friend and if I turn out to love and want to commit then even better. The regular dating sites don't do it. I was denied from E-Harmony! lol. I went to sign up for this Jw dating site and found myself already on there. It appered I'd signed up when I was 15 for a penpal hehe. Everyone on the site seemed to be deeply into the religion, not for me. Soooo ---- any ex-jw dating sites. Are there enough people out there who would like to start a forum or something similar if there isn't anything out there already?

  • marmot

    I've wondered the same thing, but I fear the membership pool would be too small and thinly spread out to be workable.

  • Exterminator

    There isn't yet any JW, at least that I would know of, among the 11 million inhabitants of my city. Once there will be one, it's going to take at least 6 more months before I have a fellow ex-JW. And will it be female?

    Dating an ex-JW would be nice, but we are scattered indeed

  • JK666


    Welcome to JWD!

    I know of no ex-JW dating sites, but this place has worked for some. There are a number of couples that met first here on this board. Stick around and then PM somebody you find interesting. Or talk to Mr. Flipper, our resident matchmaker.


    P.S. If you like old guys, let me know.

  • seawolf

    It would be neat to have something like that. I am guessing that she's already had eleventy billion guys message her by now so she probably has her pick.

  • Mizz.Eye

    If pm's are supposed to show up in my inbox then no I have not recieved a billion messages... yet

    I like long walks by the beach during sunsets.. baha joking. I have only been to the beach once and the hot sand burn my feet and some kid got a catfish whister stuck in his foot. The ambulance had to come. Lovely


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