a lot of ex dubs i know have said they did not enjoy it at all , and i certainly got the impression it was more of a duty than a privelidge by ones who are still in it , they even asked if they could use me to get thier time in !!! at work . i used to think to myself that at least the born agains look as though they actually enjoy worshipping god considering they are serving satan !!!!!! perhaps its the other way around
whats it like going on the "work" ministery
by looloo 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
i had some moments, months on and off in my 20's, where i really enjoyed it b/c i could start bible studies pretty easy since i had a good personality for it....i never bought into pressuring the person and focused more on the bible....looking back i had a buddist approach to it, even though i didn't know it, but i made sure to respect people and their time at the door and never bought into the reasoning book objection crap...well, i did when i was a teenager, and that always just returned hostility from people, so i learned and made sure to respect their beliefs.*
when my eyes opened up and i saw some of the really bad stuff not getting resolved in the organization, i stopped actively offering bible studies (i would do it when going door to door, not on return visits), but i couldn't actively recruit people into an organization i started doubting....even though i believe i was doubting a bit before since i didn't like to focus on the publications of the wtbts.
i faded about three years after that, putting in barely any service time, just enough to keep the elders off my back, then decided to just stop putting in field service time....they still had me w/ priviledges, even after three months of no time, i was like, 'who do i have to f*&k to stop doing these microphone duties?'
then, my eyes opened even more, flashes of past experiences and how they were handled and they didn't make sense and i got out quick.
*and respecting others beliefs isn't the m.o. of a good jw.
i turned over bible studies when i switched halls and started to fade....oh dear god i hope they didn't become jws.
Door to door is a pain in the ass..It`s anything but voluntary if your a JW kid..Just try saying No,to your brain dead JW parents..
Take a look in a thesaurus at http://thesaurus.reference.com/browse/crap!
I recall an article about a sister in Costa Rica or somewhere similar who had given a householder the best news he ever had and left him with the latest copy of her pantyhose.
The article said as how such things bring reproach on Jehovahs name since all the wives in the town wouldn't let their husbands answer the door!
That's tense right there for all you ladies!
Best anti witness ever!
Should be more sisters like her IMHO
I was at a WT study meeting the other week and somebody put their hand and in their answer deliberately referrerd to the "Field Misery" - It hardly raised a smile except from me . I think that says something.
hated it. of course we went to places i normally did business at. it was saturday, they were busy trying to make a living. i always felt bad interrupting them since I would have been annoyed if i was them.
My "foster" family whom I lived with on and off were their own car group... and her husband was the PO so he always headed up the service meeting. He's always arrange car groups and keep his family together in one car. Then after the service meeting we'd go run errands. Picking up movie tickets for later that day, running in to pay the water bill, etc. Then we'd meet for "break" and head home. lol.
When I actually went out in service, there was a lot of time wasting. lots of driving around town and stopping to "check records" and discuss where to go next... mixed in with jokes and small talk. I can't imagine any of us really enjoyed the "at the door" moments- but the road trip feel of some of those pioneer Wednesdays were fun at times.
The door knocking and talking was mortifying for me. I'm kind of quiet by nature, and I just don't talk to random people. I always asked the other person at the door to speak... I had no shame. Since I didn't go out often, when I was it was usually with a pioneer sister who was trying to encourage me. So it fit the dynamic to ask that of them.