Have you guys seen these on TV yet?
Watchtower Commercials
by MissingLink 7 Replies latest jw friends
"Protect Your Children," yeah, right. I think they should worry more about "Uncle Ernie" at the congregation picnic!
Jehovah corp. advertises now on tv? Donations hard at work. I have never ever seen an ad for them except in the birdcage liners they call mags..
Is this serious?
Love your children? BUT let them die on a table by refusing life saving blood treatment. Love your children but if they disagree with your religious views, shun them and kick them out of the house?
Protect your children? But allow other JWs to reprimand and spank your kids? Protect your children? But believe the circle of elders over your kids when it comes to all kinds of abuse especially sexual?
What a crock! PR spinning.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Yeah, I saw them hundreds of times while I was in Beth-hell, but I never saw 'em on broadcast TV.
These were Public Service Announcements produced by WT around 2002-3. TV stations will air short PSAs for free, about drug treatment and the like. So, the bOrg produced these and sent them to any station that was willing to air them for free. They won some awards for them (not that big a deal), and some stations aired them (mostly Spanish at like 2AM). They started producing another PSA, but it got canned before it was completed.
Damage control.
Could you imagine seeing these after the NBC Nightly News or the British "mommy dearest" newscast?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
In light of the current Sparlock excitement, the WT venture into animated video is reminding me of the PSA venture, as described in this thread.
This is more of a contrast, of when Watchtower was producing PSAs. They were made available in different lengths and different languages, they actually won a bunch of awards--obviously because the primary JW cult messages were not included in the message. They were sanitized messages for public consumption that any religion would embrace, "Love builds Happy Families," "Love Your Children," "Teach Your Children," and "Protect Your Children." I think it was 4 released. From what I heard, there was a 5th going into production. They had even brought in a brother from Italy that had artistic production experience and didn't even speak English. I heard that it was about a dad that was deciding whether to work more or spend time with his family. The happy ending was him playing bball with his son instead of slaving at the office. A sweet message, but a contrast to the JW message where the dad wouldn't work overtime but wouldn't spend time with the kids either. Instead a good JW must spend the extra time at elder meetings, dragging his family out in service, or making the kids throw away their toys and study WT publications.
But during the production of that last PSA, the plug got pulled. No more PSAs, and few copies of the old PSAs were sent out to TV stations. It was sad for Audio/Video since they'd even gotten a display case for all the awards that the PSAs had won. It was like they'd become too popular. We speculated that the plug was pulled because production costs were increasing and it was expensive to send out tapes to TV stations.
I wouldn't be surprised if this animated series also got canned very quickly. These DVDs will become "Special Edition" because WT probably won't post them on their website for public consumption. As far as what Tony Morris says about this being a taste of what's to come in the video series, this might be the only taste anybody gets.
Although it would be hilarious to have more of these videos available to the youtube world to slice and dice.
"Love Your Children,"
Yeah, by removing every bit of fun possible from their lives and making them go door-to-door with Craptower and Asleep ragazines.