Just to let you all know I got my new Yearbook. Until about 10 years ago there were 3 countries that received special highlight with major history review of JW activity. 10 Years ago it went down to two countries idscussed in detail. This year there is just one country that receives 188 pages of discussion and highlight RUSSIA
2008 YEARBOOK of JWs
by stillajwexelder 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi stilla
do you mind stepping over to the otherside for a min to give us your vote
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I noticed that, too. I haven't had much of a chance to look at it yet. I'll need to get a new 'air sick' barf bag first. I assume it is looking back to the "good ole days" when that evil king on the north was abusive toward our faithful brethren. The JWs behind the iron curtain endured a lot of abuse at the hands of the commies. So, when you look at how wrong, and what a failure communism was, I guess it's supposed to make JWs look that much more 'right' and 'successful'.
Having lived through the 70s as a JW, we were taught that the USSR was going to somehow invade the US, destroy false religion, and start armageddon. I'm assuming the yearbook won't talk about the JW false prophecies about Russia. Seems odd that in all those meetings of the GB and with the Holy Spirit all over the place, they never predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and their eastern bloc.
I was always amused by the 'special' message that the adherents received from The Governing Body in each years Yearbook. The precised version, seldom containing any different message is: "Dear Brothers. We know that we kick the Kingdom Krap out of you tedious numbskulls all year, but we have to do this for your own good because you do not work hard enough. That we care enough to make your lives this miserable is evidence of our deep love for you".
"Dear Brothers. We know that we kick the Kingdom Krap out of you tedious numbskulls all year, but we have to do this for your own good because you do not work hard enough. That we care enough to make your lives this miserable is evidence of our deep love for you".
They think it's Opposite Day, everyday. Or perhaps they think they think they live in a parallel universe where love really means hate.
What does "bttt" mean?