To Loyal Canadians

by mindfield 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    Are you proud of your country? Of your PM? Well, think about it before answering. Were you ever fond of Bush? Do you think he's good looking? Of course not. Duh.

    Well, think about Jean Chretien now. Does he strike you as particularly good looking? Compare, if you will:

    Thought so.
    Admit it, Bush isn't THAT ugly.

  • JBean

    True...but that Blair fellow is a hotty!

  • Pathofthorns

    LOL... There are lots of things to be embarrassed about Chretien for but I think for most Canadians he seemed to be the least worst option on the ballots (if that makes any sense).

    He is actually quite an intelligent person, and IMO seems to read the Canadian public's thoughts on matters fairly well.

    Not getting rid of the GST, imaginary homeless friends, punching out attackers, getting pies in the face etc don't stand too well in his favour though.

    Then again, being able to laugh at ourselves, make fun of our PM etc and not take ourselves too seriously is what being Canadian is all about.


  • hillary_step

    Fed Up,

    Yo realise of course that the hand signal that Chretien is sending to the Hispanic world is very clear! This is an ancient 'rude' sign depicting the female sexual organs.


  • mindfield

    You're right... he was the lesser evil in the elections.

    But dear GOD, look at him!

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