Are we really just USELESS things?

by nomoreguilt 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nomoreguilt

    In considering the April personal Wt study material, it appears to me as though the org has become quite concerned with our activities. So much so as to use a subject of USELESS THINGS to actually get to the heart of the matter. We all know how it works. Start a subject that directs the dubs into a mindset of using their time more effectivley, yada, yada. Then they go to the core reason for their rants.

    They could care less about how you use your spare time, they know you are going to do whatever it was you were doing before. It's always a timely matter, what with the memorial coming up and all that happy stuff. What is really their prime concern is US!! The thorn in their side that is actually detracting, and I really believe this, a lot of active witlesses from the org.

    No longer are they directing their writing skills towards truth, and upbuilding articles. They have become more consumed with defending their teachings and false prophecies. No longer can they devote their precious paper and books to the preaching of the good news. They are now becoming a paranoid organiztion bent on uncovering and revealing the undercurrent with-in their own ranks. Subterfuge and witch hunts are no doubt in the making.

    You can't continue to cover-up hypocracy in a time when information is readily available to any one with a computer. Research material is at our fingertips. Times,dates, places,the freedom of public information act has done this for us. The org has printed so many books and magazines on their prophecies and policies. Now, through their own history , these are being challenged, debunked and turned around on them

    Just how much longer can a tale be twisted? How long can you extend a generation? How many burdens can you lay upon a man until he says" ENOUGH'!!!!.

    They are running, but they cannot hide from the truth that they themselves Printed......

    NMG----------# 500............Well spent

  • golf2

    We're only useful when we serve their purposes without question.


  • flipper

    NO MORE GUILT- I really feel the Watchtower society is running scared at present. You hit the nail on the head I believe. It really showed in their September Kingdom Ministry Question Box where they told rank and file members that they, " only need the organizations publications to do research. It's all they need. " Yes, the Watchtower society is running scared at present because of the internet and access to important information witnesses really need to hear ! They are having trouble keeping their members enslaved to " information control" , like all evil cults do . So yes, I feel the governing body is sweating bullets

  • WTWizard

    To them, we ARE "valueless things" because we are taking away their source of income and power. They rank us as not only a waste of time but as poison (because, once a witless comes here and sees the truth, they are likely not to be going back).

    The other things, however, are in effect banned so the witlesses will have nothing else to do but go out in field circus and desperately try to recruit members that have seen our apostate message. If one relaxes too much (=more than what is absolutely necessary for life), they have that much less time to witless to others. Same goes for entertainment: The time it takes to listen to a 3 minute song could have been used to place 3 pieces of littera-trash. Sex also takes time that could be usurped for field circus or other theocraptic things; money takes time to earn (besides, it all "belongs" in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund). But the apostates are Number One because they can free members totally.

  • Maddie

    We are use-less things because they can't mind control us any more. I hope they are so scared that they hang themselves.


  • tijkmo

    i'm not useless....

    i can be used as a bad example

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    'Uselessness' is relative to the intended use!!

    The fact that they hold up 'apostates' as examples of uselessness actually shows that they aren't useless!

    Looks like the WTS has managed to contradict itself again - not that the R&F will see it.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Correction: we are "valueless" things, not "useless" things.

  • RubaDub

    Sometimes my wife tells me I'm useless. Maybe she knows something I don't.

    Rub a Dub

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