I am SOOO lost and confused without a "prophet" telling me what to do. How bout you?
Actually, the blacks/priesthood thing came in the late 70's and under a different "prophet" Spencer W Kimball.
I hope there is an afterlife. I have had experiences which give me a hope that direction. None of my spitirual experiences mentioned the LDS church. With that hope in mind, I believe Gordon B Hinkley is learning, as I write, what a farce Mormonism is. I suspect he knew it before his death too. He has mentioned that either the church and it's founding stories are true, or it is all false. With the tens of thousands of people BEGGING for answers to historical inconsistencies that are now being revealed on the web, the folks at the top HAVE to know of these serious questions/allegations. The "prophets" have chosen not to answer the big charges, rather they rewrite history and lie and publish the same. They then leave "apologists" who then lie "for the lord" and give the most ridiculous of explanations for LDS historical inconsistencies.
Now we'll probably just get the same crap, different prophet.