The KH I visited had just a few newer books ( none before about 1980, it appeared) and a handful of assorted bound volumes- on the shelf was a stack of what looked like "copies" of the WT CD of books and magazines. Is this common a KH's today? It was a pretty new KH, 3 congs used it.
Are KH library's becoming extinct?
by moshe 8 Replies latest jw friends
Open mind
As for older publiciations, it really varies from one Hall to the next. We've got some really old stuff at ours.
But as for the library being of any use, the ill-doers are constantly monopolizing the back room so no R&F can ever count on using it at any given meeting.
How'd the Book Study go?
Were you able to keep your mouth shut?
It went good at the KH, O-M. thanks for asking. I have a feeling that my comments will be talked about among the sisters this week in their car groups- of course they won't do anything- just talk about the guy who caused them some metal anguish.
ps- back in the olden days I used to visit KH's and leave 3x5 cards in some of those KH library books- like bound volumes that read,
I-800-why-1914 ?
I can't imagine needing a "library" when eveything is "old light" in a short time and everyone fears to look at books by themselves lest they be accused of "researching."
One recent CD should do it. Maybe last month's "members only" edition. Beyond that, noooooooo.
We have 3 congos in the same KH. And as far as I know I am the only one that uses it.
You know, Kh libraries have been the scene of quite a few "crimes" of late - and paddling rooms to punish cranky kids who are up past their bedtime - good riddance to them! Turn them into food pantries for the community- ha!
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
There is only one good use for a KH library... and I intend to take advantage of it to leverage the natural curiosity of people, and help some of those still "in" to see what REALLY goes on behind the scenes at the KH. Somebody hinted at it when they said nobody really uses the books in the library. There is a lot of truth to that... and it makes my plan easier to execute.
More details to follow... another time...
my old hall had publications stretching all the way back to the 1800s and had all the bound volumes from the early 1900s to date........ but no one ever used any of them unless they were working up a talk at the last minute and knew where to look. the library at the hall is totally useless.......... to jws that is. if i could get my hands on those books i could prove EVERYTHING lol.
In the 15 or so years as an active witless, I have never researched anything before the 1970s. All the 1970s material I had access to were those reprinted Puketower bound volumes, which were tampered with. And I have rarely seen anyone look up anything from any original sources before 1975. Generally, the littera-trash just sat, looking like someone might have used some of it before.
Then came the apostate sites. Now I realize that some of them have posted the original versions alongside the altered reprinted versions. The Tower has something to hide. I guess they do not want people to integrate one article with anything else, lest they realize that something is blatantly wrong and come up with far-out conclusions about the whole Society.
Unfortunately for them, I have a fairly decent memory when it comes to such blatant contradictions. You tell me that you want us out in field circus at 5:30 in the morning once, and I will never forget it. Then, two years later you put out lip service to getting adequate sleep, and I will dredge up that article about going out in field circus at 5:30 in the morning and throw it right back in your face. All those "Pioneer Or Die" sessions in the February Kingdumb Miseries all integrate poorly with anything that suggests that they want people to be healthy or to have enough money for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And I am not willing to suppress such memories at will for some Tower.