I find myself in a situation where I need to make employee hiring guidelines for our personnel department. We are going to have hundreds of positions to fill late this summer in a major corporate merger between our corporation and six others. There will be several jobs opening in our textbook department using new digital presses and book binding equipment. Maybe that might be ideal for ex-Bethelites (unless they just cleaned toilets there) and even more jobs as company representatives and buyers who will be engaging the academic community in a friendly, low stress environment (perhaps ex-pioneers, etc). While we will be recruiting nationally through online job services and headhunters, we are really in no need of going out of our way to recruit ex-JW’s or nor do we seek to hire JW’s. While we can’t legally discriminate against someone on a religious basis, think we can sniff out ideological and religious troublemakers in the screening process. I’m getting away from my question though…do you think ex-dubs deserve extra consideration for a job offer just based on the fact that life rained on their parade? If so, why? I’m not all teary eyed for any group of people in principle. It seems we all get dumped on in life. But at least I’m familiar with how hard it was for me to pick up the pieces.
Do ex-dubs deserve any extra consideration when it comes to employment?
by Mindchild_rebooted 5 Replies latest jw friends
think we can sniff out ideological and religious troublemakers in the screening process.
That in itself is discrimination how are you going to get around that...
I believe at this point that psychological testing, interviews, and checking references might go a long ways towards determining a persons ideological background. When I don't see any college history and bland work history, I already give one mark against the applicant. I do discriminate in that I'm looking for the best person I can find for the positions we have open. I'm also thinking I can ask questions like, do you have any objections working with producing or promoting material that has themes of human sexuality, evolutionary science, and other hot button topics. Hmm, maybe I can ask them if they have any objections working with vampires or Smurf lovers?
This is a tricky question, since there are arguments both for and against it. Starting with why they should be given a second look, those people often have hidden talents that need to be developed. They might be good at doing certain things, but were stopped from finding out or practicing because of the Tower. For instance, some might be very good (or have the potential to become very good) at setting up holiday and birthday decorations, running computer programs, and administration duties at big companies. Some were hounders and needed to run the congregations; if the person is truly honest (especially if the person left because they did not like being forced to run a crooked organization), that person might have excellent potential.
On the negative side, ex-witlesses have more than their share of residual mental/emotional problems. And they do not often give clues of what they are good at. It can be trial and error in finding out what they excel at. The employers must also look at whether they are favoring ex-dubs simply out of sacrifice to some "higher cause". And, there is always the danger of them getting recaptured (whether by force, threat of force, or a guilt trip) and going back (all too many of them will go back just on a hounding call or two). Suddenly, your ex-witless is once again an active witless, and often very active at that.
I definitely feel that everyone should be given a fair chance. This means trying to find out what the person is good at, and what they suck at. There should be training and testing services available to find out what each person has the best potential for, whether or not the person ever was an active witless. Such a program that can rout out each person's "Friday Night Essence", or the thing they most enjoy doing, which is usually also what the person has the greatest potential to excel in. And, once that is found, extra effort should be given to develop it. If that is done, then the 99.9% of people in stagnant jobs would suddenly be 0.01% or less. Productivity would soar. Products would get better (and drive "Made In China" right off the market, unless the Chinese products themselves are superior). People would find joy in work, and be less inclined to use drugs and drink and drive.
And, if the ex-witless is given the job that they do best in, they are less likely to ever want to go back. The hounding calls would not work if the person finds deep satisfaction in their work. Those people would also be less inclined to fall for other cults and scams, since most scams prey on that most people are stagnant and/or short on money. Give a witless a job that they could stay on all day, every day, and you are going to see that witless start skipping boasting sessions and cutting back on field circus (or eliminating it altogether). Give an ex-witless that job, and you will see fewer of them ever going back to the Watchtower Society without someone physically forcing them back.
Absolutely not.
I would be completely embarrassed to ask for "extra consideration" because my family is or was involved in a cult.
Hey WT Wizard...thank you for the thoughtful and considerate answer. Thanks Trev for your insight as well.