1890--"The Wonderful Story"--PDF!

by Atlantis 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    1890--"The Wonderful Story"--PDF!--WTBTS BM=Bookmarked S=Searchable Ref=Referenced (2nd copy) R=Reduced from 9.0 MB to 3.6 MB Russell era, 64 page booklet when advertisement pages are included. Displays picture illustrations, scripture applications, and poems. A very "rare" booklet! *************************************************************************** Instructions concerning the "search" feature in this pdf. This pdf includes 2 copies of "The Wonderful Story" for researchers. (1) The old original and (2) another copy for reference. Due to the age of the older documents, we noticed deterioration of ink quality in some words. So, the 2nd copy which is of better ink quality is your "search reference" file. For instance, if you were searching to find the two words, (Divine revelation) in this pdf, you would simply type in those two words into your search tool and click (find), and automatically your search tool will take you to the (reference) file and highlight those two words. Then, look above your located word or phrase and a page number will be shown. Then, just scroll up or use your bookmarks to take you back up to the older original copy for that page. Click the download link by the red arrow at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/9oui4a Tweety picture no.0071 Cheers! Atlantis-

  • AlphaOmega

    Thank you Atlantis - it looks like a lot of work went into that.

    I wasn't even aware that it existed.

  • Atlantis

    AlphaOmega: Thank you AO for your kindness! There were some of these old "tracts" that were shorter versions. When the 15 picture illustrations were added to the "tract" then it became a booklet.

  • 1890 Old Theology Quarterly No. 5, Friendly Hints on Bible Study and Student's Helps 32 pages
  • 1890 Old Theology Quarterly No. 6, Scripture Teaching Concerning the World's Hope 32 pages
  • 1890 Old Theology Quarterly No. 7, The Wonderful Story (also called The Old, Old Story) 32pages
  • 1891 Old Theology Quarterly No. 8, [Same as No. 7, Illustrated, with Leatherette cover] 60 pages
  • 1891 Old Theology Quarterly No. 9, [Same as No. 1, Swedish Translation] 24 pages
  • 1891 Old Theology Quarterly No. 10, Contend Earnestly for the Faith Once Delivered 32 pages
  • http://www.freeminds.org/sales/wtpubs.htm#otq Cheers! Atlantis-
  • chasson

    Many thanks Atlantis !!!

  • oompa

    Thanks Atlantis and interesting. What do you feel is most significant about this piece?....................................oompa

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