I see allot of people here that is in the know I mean really in the know and am very great full for being in these discussion with you all. Since this is such a large subject to us all and all have different strong points in it, I’m sure we can come up with some form of hypothesis when this organization is going to implode on its self or when its about to but before it does it bails last minute by changing some doctrine around so it doesn’t completely fall but keep enough for them to survive again for it to rebuild, as they’ve done so many times in the past. History for some reason tends to always repeat it self, I truly believe it’s about that time. My guess is 3 years for some twist of there doctrine, 4 years for the other huge loss of members.
When is it going to crash?
by Alex Delta 8 Replies latest jw experiences
How long has Islam been around?
When are they and all the other religions going to "crash"?
There will always be an audience for absurdity.
The JW organization offers paradisaic conditions, material prosperity, tame lions and tigers, justice for all, eternal life, love and approval from God Himself, racial harmony, swimming with dolphins, stable family life, clean living, etc.
There are millions of people around the globe that would love to get in on some of that action.
Sorry to disappoint you but it will never happen...
Eyes Open
Haven't they eased the pressure of time from themselves now anyway? I imagine they've learnt from history and will try to avoid anything very major as long as possible.
I think comparing JWs to Catholicism or Islam is a bit generous. More like- when did Millerites crash? Or Puritans? Or Dutch Baptists? Answer is- they never really "crashed" just became less and less popular until there were very few congregations left. People split off to form new religions that were more conservative, more liberal, more in touch, more bible based, whatever. The remaining congregants got older and older and new recruits fell off until they were a quaint backwards religion in one particular region. I think that is the future of JWs.
It will not implode in a sudden cataclysm. It will fade away into irrelevancy.
Hi Delta.
I didn't know what crash you were referring to when I first read your title. We have several crashes looming on the horizon.
Two days ago I read a report out of the UK that the "powers that be" are about to contrive a MARKET crash very soon.
Their thinking is that the US economy can drag on and die a slow torturous death for maybe 3 years. Or if they deliberately crash the market then recovery can go ahead and begin to take place, albeit it may take those three years to recover.
Then, we have a satellite about to crash in a few weeks, too.
Maybe these things are omens.
Maybe the world is going into crash mode.
Yeah, it would be nice to see WTS crash...and burn.
According to what I understand from scripture, these things that are in place will not be totally destroyed until Armageddon. They will be revealed for the evil entities that they are, and that is happening today. That in itself will cause an emotional tribulation. But none of it truly and totally ends until Armageddon.
They will implode when they no longer make rent. If they end up wasting all their money fighting lawsuits and trying to shut down embarrassing Web sites, and we are successful in getting people to stop putting money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes, they will simply have no choice but to come down. They will then go belly up, and be no more.
However, as long as people are putting those $20 bills (and higher) and huge checks into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes, they are going to stay afloat. Every penny that ends up in that box prolongs the existence of that nemesis.
Crash? It won't, however judging by the demographics of the last convention I went to a slow death through lack of numbers is very likely. I say loads of jw's 40 +, loads of JW's 20 - but not nearly so many jw's in the 25 - 40 bracket. As the older jw's die and younger ones view the ridiculous large amount of information online I think a fade out is inevitable, with less witnesses there is less preaching, and less preaching = less converts. I would be willing to wager that the majority of new jw's (in western world at least) are a result of pregnancy as opposed to conversion. It will end up becoming a religion restricted to africa and latin america in time i reckon