7000 Posts!!
Do I get the booby prize?
by AK - Jeff 9 Replies latest jw friends
7000 Posts!!
Do I get the booby prize?
I'll show you my boobies if it makes you feel any better.
A day for a post, a day for a post -- I prophecy that Jeff will be here another 19.17 years.
Then the end will come.
I think it is that 'antitypical' 'invisible' fullfillment that makes it hard to understand. But seven times have been fullfilled now - and the gentle times may begin. Invisibly of course.
woohoo! Way to go!
booby prize
I got your Boobie Prize right here.
Congrats AK-Jeff- and they say Hoosiers spend all their time eating junk food- you proved them wrong on that!
AK-Jeff said: I think it is that 'antitypical' 'invisible' fullfillment that makes it hard to understand. But seven times have been fullfilled now - and the gentle times may begin. Invisibly of course.
Did you make allowance for post number zero? That would mean that you only have 6,999 posts.
Damn Mary! I forgot the 'zero post'. But the truth is that the 7777th post [actually 7778 due to your calculation] is the crucial one - especially if it comes on the 14th day following the new moon nearest the spring equinox.