Would Jesus have done a better job than Jehovah?

by JH 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    In the bible, the God of the old testament seems to be so harsh and unforgiving, while Jesus seems so nice...

    Makes me wonder if Jesus would have been God almighty, if the world would be a better place today?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Some of the early Christians believed that the OT God was evil. The Gnostics for example.

    Looking at the record - it is not hard to see why they thought that.

    Yes - Jesus did not seem to reflect the OT God in his actions. I agree.


  • Blueblades

    Don't leave out that the nice Jesus would still put you in "HELL". Nothing nice about that! Other than this one point, whoever wrote the New Testament about Jesus, all of which is hearsay, did a good job showing the contrast between Jehovah and Jesus.


  • feenx

    I think the world would be a much better place! Looking at the difference between YHWH and Jesus, everything related to YHWH is external. The Jews had all their sacrifices and traditions, what to eat and what not to eat all to show their devotion to that god. If they did not comply with these actions there were severe consequences that were again, external, physical, etc.

    In contrast, though some of the things that Jesus talked about meant taking action, all of his teachings originated from a place within oneself. It was based on what one saw evidenced around them, how they felt about things and how those feelings related to their future and their fellow man.

    When you actually step back and look at the stark contrast between the teachings of YHWH and of Jesus, it's hard to conceive how and especially why anyone would want to combine those teachings into one singular doctrine.

  • Mariusuk.

    This site does produce some strange, strange threads. I mean how do answer a question which involves an imaginary entity and a character who personally never wrote anything that we know of and who's life strory was written by guys years after his death? This is sort of question I mull over after a few beers, quite a few beers, along with thoughts like " does superman ever need the toilet and what are the consequences of super constipation" and " is the world a interconnected super organism with a collective consciousness"

  • Lou_Cypher

    If the god of the OT is the same god of the NT, he mustve gone under some real serious psycho-therapy!!! I mean Prozac by the barrels...

    Then again the answer is easy... none are god... they are yet the perceptions and reflection of egotistic bloodthirsty humans... and yet lots of people look up to these as the word of god.. there is no worse blind than he who refuses to open his eyes...

    From another point of view, helluva job of marketing... over 4000 years and still some suckers buy their crap...

  • VoidEater

    It seems Jesus would have much more insight into humanity, having been a human; experiencing human emotions, having a body an dlife to physically maintain, living in a social fabric.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    If the god of the OT is the same god of the NT, he mustve gone under some real serious psycho-therapy!!!

    It's amazing what a mother can do!

    Kudos to Mary.

  • serotonin_wraith

    Next on Important Things To Think About-

    Would Samwise had done a better job than Frodo if he'd carried the ring?


  • jaguarbass

    Makes me wonder if Jesus would have been God almighty, if the world would be a better place today?

    My understanding is that except for a minority of bible readers/believers. Most people who read believe and worship with the bible believe Jesus is God.

    Most bible belivers believe in the trinity which say the father son and holy spirit are one. The witnesses are in the minority thinking that jesus is seperate from God.


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