Is anyone else as excited about this as I am??
LOST - Season 4 begins tonight!!
by Scully 7 Replies latest social entertainment
You bet!
I just hope they settle the writer's strike soon, so they can show more than the 8 episodes they have already finished.
I love LOST but don't have sky :-( going to have to wait till i can get them all on dvd
It starts Sunday here. I was a little worried they might not be showing the current season and I would have to look for it online, that's how it is with Heros and some of the other shows I enjoy back home.
And YES I AM EXCITED! lol we spent over a week back home rewatching season one and two.
I'm crying here, I can't wait for a year
Burger Time
Awesome episode...can never get enough Hurley!! So anyone have their theories?
Awesome episode...can never get enough Hurley!! So anyone have their theories?
When Hurley said he was one of the "Oceanic 6" I think that meant only six of the survivors made it off the island. You?
Burger Time
Yea I figured that too....I also am beginning to think that Locke and his group kill the people who landed on the island who rescue Hurley....but Jack and the other 5 just say that none of the others survived. Thus why they are so famous for being the "ocieanic six". Just my two cents anyways.