I just got introduced to Brenda Lee, she sent out a auto email to me
to join her newsletter and to write my JW story for it also. I
checked out her website, quite interesting but it seemed from what I
could read about her (for free) that her story wasn't as tragic as
many others.. Did anyone read the book??? Did you see the video
she did, with her the householder and 2 pretend JW's preaching at her
and her putting them on the spot with the Fairy interjecting the
truth. Also the audio file of her studying witht he witnesses. That
was hilarious, it brought back memories. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfDIrPdBQgw
There was a part on her web page that referred to what she wrote for
her Mother who passed away. Her Mother shunned her and never spoke
to her after she was DF. She forgave her Mother and her words were
so eloquent, it brought immediate tears to my eyes, I had to control
myself not to sob,
I am sure all you people have seen it, (her website) but I am still discovering.
Last night I read about the Ray Franz apostasy thing in 1979/80 from
Randy Walters website, I wish I could find my Crisis of Conscience
book, I am ready to read it. I can't believe the coverup and the
lies. Its so fascinating. I am probably just talking about things you all have discussed before
but there are far to many threads here for me to go back that far
before I started here.
Have a great Day