Someone - I can't recall who - posted an opinion that the JW relgion would shortly split into 2 separate bodies.
As I recall, the poster opined that 1 group would remain as fundamental as it is now, whilst the other would go much more mainstream, maybe even abandoning contentious beliefs such as shunning and refusing blood.
If I remember correctly, the writer felt that the 2 groups would still remain under the control of Brooklyn, but they would actually be of separate 'classes'. Something like ordinary Catholics and Jesuits, I guess.
I can't find the post, but I think that it is an interesting concept. It would certainly solve many of their problems to have an elite class alongside a junior one, it would also allow the FDS to fade away gracefully. Maybe instead of being DF'd, a sinning member of the elite would just be relegated to the junior league.
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....