The Iraqi Hockey Player

by BlackSwan of Memphis 6 Replies latest social humour

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    A fellow Detroiter sent this to me just now....

    Iraqi Hockey Player

    The Detroit Red Wings foreign scout flies to Baghdad to watch a young
    Iraqi play hockey in the new American sponsored league, and is suitably
    impressed and arranges for him to come over to the US .
    Ken Holland signs him to a one year contract and the kid joins the team
    for the preseason.

    Two weeks later the Wings are down 4-0 to the Blackhawks with only 10
    minutes left. Mike Babcock gives the young Iraqi the nod and he goes in.
    The kid is a sensation -- scores 5 goals in 10 minutes and wins the game
    for the Wings! The fans are delighted, the players and coaches are
    delighted, and the media love the new star.

    When the player comes off the ice he phones his mom to tell her about
    his first day of NHL hockey. "Hello mom, guess what?" he says in an Iraqi
    accent. "I played for 10 minutes today, we were 4-0 down, but I scored 5
    goals and we won. Everybody loves me, the fans, the media, they all love

    "Wonderful," says his mom, "Let me tell you about my day. Your father
    got shot in the street and was robbed, your sister and I were ambushed,
    raped and beaten, and your brother has joined a gang of looters, and all while
    you were having such great time."

    The young Iraqi is very upset. "What can I say mom, but I'm so sorry."

    "Sorry? You're Sorry?" says his mom, "It's your fault we moved to
    Detroit in the first place!"

  • SixofNine


  • nvrgnbk
  • Alex Delta
  • RubaDub


    Rub a Dub

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I am really glad you guys got a kick out of this.

    I forwarded this to some friends and it was insinuated that it was a racist type joke.

    In all honesty, that's not how I took it.

    And I am hoping that I didn't hurt any feelings here.

    Det was voted last year as being number two on the list of murders/violent crimes.

    Ya know, it is what it is.

  • worldtraveller

    Reall good one!

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