Multiple Sclerosis

by 4mylove 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 4mylove

    I have a young sibling with MS. Does anyone here know of any current treatment that hasn't been published yet? I had heard at one point that there was a blood pressure medicine that was proving hopeful. My bro is ready to stop Copaxone, even though we all worry that this will eventually cause a relapse. Just wondering. Every little bit helps!



  • avishai

    Well, I'ts not new, but Montel swears by pot!

  • Bobbi

    Diet and exercise helped my mom. She started showing signs of it in her mid 30's so fairly young as well. She is very careful about preservatives and additives. She started doing exercises first in the pool and then on to any exercise program that encourages balance and stretching.

    We also considered medicinal mariguana for pain but she hasn't used it yet, that I know of.

    She has had a few relapse over the years but most of them are brought on by stress or illness.

    She also avoids some stores and building with certain kinds of lighting. Not really sure why she just says they bother her.


  • 4mylove


    You are so hot! Trust me, my bro jokes about it with my parents threatening to build a tent just for smoking the herb!

    Okay, on a more serious note. My brother will be 26 this year. He was diagnosed at 20 and about a month later was also diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. For the last year and a half he has been on something called the specific carbohydrate diet. Don't let the word "diet" fool you. It is definately a change of lifestyle. It's almost as if it was a blessing in disguise. My brother was very very overweight. I truly think that if it hadn't been for this change he would have suffered medically via heart attack or worse. He was also probably quickly on his way to becoming diabetic. You know the whole hispanic, overweight, diabetic combo.


    On this diet he does not consume anything that isn't natural. It has made a tremendous change. He's lost about 110 lbs in a year. He is more active, and definately more positive in his mindset. I think that this diet has helped with the MS also, because of no preservatives or additives. It is such a healthy way of eating. Problem is that he feels so good he is coming off of the Copaxone. This really worries us. I know with MS it's pretty much a coin toss on whether a med is going to work or not. I read somewhere that there will possibly be a breathrough on blood work helping to identify which medication is more appropriate according to the patients chemistry. We'll see

    Thanks to both of you!


  • AudeSapere

    You've probably already looked at one of these sites, but thought I'd post it for anyone else who might be interested:

    Try googling: multiple sclerosis forum

    There's a few discussion boards out there that can offer current, focused assistance and info.


  • dawg

    Another beautiful soul going through pain... sorry to hear of health problems... we all have to suffer through pain that this life gives us... I know little of MS, just that the melynin sheth of the nerves are exposed and that the suffering can be emmense. Me, a magic brownie eater says to try that... if you need a recipe, then PM me, I'll be happy to help...

  • freydi

    Find a good chiropractor. I've been getting daily adjustments for the past few weeks. It makes a difference. Just had dinner with a person who went to the medical crowd that totally wreaked havoc with the implantation of rods and infections that developed. I know another whose 16 year old daughter had the same thing happen last years. Almost died.

  • 4mylove

    Aude, Thanks for the support

    Dawg, thanks for the recipe offer. I'll let you know. The other brother went to Amsterdam and my friends sent me pictures, it was his first was hysterical!!!!!!

  • Tara

    That's really great that your brother is doing so well. I have MS and have just learned of a connection between Vitamin D deficiency and MS that I need to ask my doctor about. The theory makes a lot of sense to me because MS is more prevalent the further away from the equator you are. (We get our Vit D from sunlight.) Has your brother had his Vit D level checked? As far as going off his meds, I would be afraid to stop taking mine. I hope he discusses it with his doctor before he just stops taking it. I was told the medication reduces and/or prevents new lesions from forming. As you know, the lesions are what cause the symptoms.

  • seek2find

    For what it is, or isn't worth, I was Diagnosed with MS in 1995 and have only taken one medicine off and on called Amantadine for fatigue. I haven't used any of the injectable drugs. I had a set of MRIs done this past summer and the doctor said they showed no new activity. I don't know why mine is not progressing, but I'm sure If I had gone on one of the injectable drugs I would be thinking it was helping. MS is a very strange illness it has no predictable pattern that happens in every case. They are all different like snowflakes. I feel very fortunate compared to what I know others suffer. I wish your Brother well. seek2find

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