by badboy 9 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I believe there have been some in the past. I don't know how they turned out. There are some obstacles to making it work, but I still think it has some good possibilities. If I were to do it, I think I would keep the letter very simple and brief. I would avoid discussions of doctrine. I would simply discuss one aspect of their pedophilia policies. For example, I might just make a plea that they personally report any suspected child molesters and point out that anonymous phone calls are worthless and just interfere with the authorities' ability to do anything.
Or I might point to an elder's letter that says that they can appoint known child molesters to positions of authority, as long as only the elders know about it. I would point out that most pedophiles will repeat their crimes if given an opportunity. I would simply plead with them to make a conscientious decision to not recommend any known pedophiles to positions of authority. This might be a good way to make them think about the evil policies they are asked to follow.
Campaigns like this can be hard to organise. However, we already have an informal campaign to call the headquarters on or around the first of every month. I don't see why we cant piggyback other ideas onto this. I would be willing to send a few letters to elders around the first of the March. I may also send a letter to the headquarters. If anyone wants to do something like this, you can just announce your intentions and some others may decide to join in. Even very modest efforts can be effective if enough people do it.
That sounds as a very intersting project. Maybe we could coordinate that: create a draft of the letter, post it here and agree on the language to be used. Concentrating on the pedophilia issue is a good idea...maybe talk about the secret payments to silence the victims. Many sincere and honest elders do not know anything about this. I know it because I currently serve as an elder and the rest of the body have no idea about that matter.
Maybe we could coordinate that: create a draft of the letter, post it here and agree on the language to be used.
I'm working on a rough draft. I'll try to finish it and post it in a day or two. It's mostly for ideas. I'd be happy to see any ideas or drafts that anyone else has.
wha happened?
Regarding the language of the letter, I suggest english.
Good Idea. I look forward to reading it DT.
I'd like to put it behind all the wipers on the cars in the KH carpark.
I might point to an elder's letter that says that they can appoint known child molesters to positions of authority, as long as only the elders know about it
No longer true. When I was an elder a few years back, I knew of a long time elder who was removed after it was discovered he had committed a single act of pedophilia he committed with a female relative before he became a JW. He remains in good standing otherwise. Not JC because it occurred before he was a Witness.
This has been emphasized over and over in recent elders schools...any brother who has ever been proven to be a known pedophile (even if not known to the authorities) can no longer be appointed as an elder, MS, regular pioneer, etc. Just publisher status for that brother. No additional extended privileges of theocratic service, even if they are not (or no longer are) judicially under "restricted" status. And of course, now such a brother would be required to not work alone with a child other than their own in the ministry or other theocratic activity. We elders were hammered on that in our elders school (and also in MTS).
Snakes ()
I might point to an elder's letter that says that they can appoint known child molesters to positions of authority, as long as only the elders know about it
No longer true. When I was an elder a few years back, I knew of a long time elder who was removed after it was discovered he had committed a single act of pedophilia he committed with a female relative before he became a JW. He remains in good standing otherwise. Not JC because it occurred before he was a Witness.
This has been emphasized over and over in recent elders schools...any brother who has ever been proven to be a known pedophile (even if not known to the authorities) can no longer be appointed as an elder, MS, regular pioneer, etc. Just publisher status for that brother. No additional extended privileges of theocratic service, even if they are not (or no longer are) judicially under "restricted" status. And of course, now such a brother would be required to not work alone with a child other than their own in the ministry or other theocratic activity. We elders were hammered on that in our elders school (and also in MTS).
Snakes ()
Thank you for this information. However, I believe my assertion is still true, even if it might not be the common understanding among elders. I will present my information and request that anyone correct me if I'm mistaken in something or if their have been very recent adjustments.
The WTS has often said it doesn't appoint known pedophiles to positions of authority. When I was a dub, I assumed they were speaking normal English, not a dialect known only to elders. This quote is from a pdf scan of the March 14, 1997 letter to bodies of elders.
" Who is a known child molester? The January I, 1997, Watchtower article "Let Us Abhor
What Is Wicked" mentions on page 29 that a man "known to have been a child molester" would not
qualify for privileges in the congregation. An individual "known" to be a former child molester has
reference to the perception of that one in the community and in the Christian congregation. In the
eyes of the congregation, a man known to have been a child molester is not "free from accusation"
and "irreprehensible," nor does he have "a fine testimony from those on the outside."
(I Tim.3:1-7,10; 5:22: Titus 1:7) In view of his past, people in the community would not respect him, and
the brothers might even stumble over his appointment."
So if the elders are the only ones in the community or congregation that know about it, then the person isn't considered to be a "known child molester" by the WTS even though he is known to be a child molester.
Barbara Anderson's CD commentary quotes from a much more recent body of elders letter. (page 90 of her commentary) The March 14, 2007 body of elders letter says, "An individual 'known' to be a former child molester has reference to the perception of that one in the community and in the Christian congregation." The letter also says, "Others may have been guilty of child molestation before they were baptised. The elders should not query individuals." The entire section of that commentary is worth reading and gives some background information. I can't click and paste it for some reason.
The WTS has been elusive, but they seem to strongly imply that known child molesters can be appointed as long as the community and congregation are unaware that he is a child molester. Of course, I'm interested if there is any more current information. I'm also curious about how many elders are aware of this. I wouldn't be surprised if the WTS is content if only a few know about this loophole for situations when it comes up.
I'm appaled that they make public statements and then redefine their teminology in private, confidential letters. It's just a sneaky way of lying.
I put together a rough draft of some of my ideas. I thought I would write something from the perspective of a group that is concerned about pedophilia in churches. I don't directly attack their doctrine or religion. The purpose is to get them to read it without raising their anti apostate defenses. Hopefully, it would make them think seriously about the policies they are asked to enforce. I'm imagining a situation where this is sent to Kingdom Halls, although it could also be sent to individual elders.
"To Whom it may concern,
We are a group of people who are concerned about the prevalence of pedophilia in modern society. It's very unfortunate that pedophiles often exploit close knit religious communities to perpetrate their crimes. This letter is part of a campaign to better educate religious leaders on how they can deal with this problem and protect the innocent ones in their care.
It must be recognised that pedophilia isn't just a serious sin. It's also a serious crime. Religious leaders can be most helpful when they recognise their limitations. It is important for clergy to comply with all local laws. Most states require clergy to report suspected cases of pedophilia. However, there is an increasing tendency for courts to enforce the opinion that clergy have a responsibility to exercise reasonable care towards their members. This may require going beyond the letter of the law. Some have strictly followed legal and ecclesiastical regulations, only to become involved with costly and lengthy court battles years later.
Some clergy only make anonymous reports of suspected child abuse. This gives the authorities very little to work with. They sometimes feel like they are being mocked by this type of call. Although this might temporarily shield the religion from controversy, it may not fully protect the reporter from litigation.
Pedophiles are often expert manipulators and may be very good at feigning repentance. These kinds of crimes should be handled by professionals with the necessary training. Since these individuals usually repeat their crimes. They should not be allowed to have positions of authority and should always be supervised when in the company of minors. It is wise to not allow them to have contact with the public while representing the church.
One religion made public statements that they do not appoint "known child molesters" to positions of authority. However, in confidential documents it was revealed that the term "known child molesters" has "reference to the perception of that one in the community and in the Christian congregation." Unfortunately, many known child molesters were given positions of authority in churches that were unaware of the person's history. This resulted in many preventable cases of abuse and staggering court settlements, with no end in sight.
If you are a religious leader, you have a great responsibility and opportunity to protect the young ones in your church. This takes education and an understanding of how pedophiles operate. We recommend the following websites to assist you."
I have to find a good list of sites, including Silent Lambs to include at the end of the letter.
I look forward to your thoughts about this letter and approach. It would be nice to have several letters to choose from. We could even think about sending different letters to the same hall, with a period of time in between. I also won't be offended if you want to rewrite my letter with improvements. I may also do some more editing.