Hey, Im currently going through a custody battle with my little daughter and want to know a list of all medications that contain a blood fragment or fraction at all. My husband has put on his medical directive that he is against all, even the concience ones, so I will be able to use this information to help prove he would not give her adequate care if she ever needed any of those medications. If anyone wants to go above and beyond, it would also be very very nice to know what conditions/illnesses need to be treated with these types of meds. Ive been doing tons of research and am having problems finding things. this is posted in two places, members only and medical so if you see it twice, your not seeing double. This could possible help me a LOT, so any effort is very appreciated.
need to know- what meds/ treatments forbidden/doubted by witnesses? court
by burningbridges 3 Replies latest watchtower medical
If you are ever bitten by a poisonous snake, the anti-venom contains blood fractions.
if he really is against all, then all anti-toxins and serums are out, every antibody for any innoculation is obtained from the "MISUSE" of blood according to them
No doubt your research has taken you to this brilliant site
If he will not accept even the fractions permitted by the WTS, I gues that makes him look a very extreme individual in the eyes of a court ??