3/08 Awake!: Is There One True Religion?

by Watkins 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watkins

    Anyone else seen it yet? =sigh=

    A dear old JW couple who are like an Aunt and Uncle to me, sent it in the mail. The note said, in particularly to my husband, which I thought odd since he's never feigned the slightest interest, ""we thought you'd find pages 3-9 of interest, "Is there one True Religion". We both feel that the decision we made (a zillion) years ago in choosing a way of worship was the correct one. The Bible answer is even more clear and reasonable in the year 2008!"" [emphasis theirs] I've noticed a push lately in the mags to make a more divisive stand with 'opposers' and faders - they must feel some dissonance since they know me so well --- I'm not the usually-depicted raving lunatic apostate I guess, just a nice normal person, same as always but without any need of 'the society' --- who needs to be punished until I turn back to Jehovah's organisation. Beat me, I love it. (not)

    The wt's first deceptive teaching - that there is one true religion and you MUST find it. (pssst- we are it!)

    The reasoning is so twisted, the proofs nonexistant --- they are because they say they are! After quoting 1 Cor. 1:10 and Phil. 2:2 the text reads: 'Where such unity exists, the result is, in fact, one religion. Accordingly, the Bible says that there is "one Lord, one faith, one baptism" - Eph. 4:4,5 [italics theirs] First of all --- who writes this stuff, 10th graders? What a broken sentence! It makes no sense. Secondly --- what results? Was there a poll we missed? WHATfacts? Verifiable statistics have been AWOL from all their claims since day one. Thirdly --- they left off the part of that scripture which says: One body there is, and one spirit, even as you were called in the one hope in which you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism..." They certainly don't teach 'one hope' for Christians, but see how they can twist one half of a scripture into their make-believe proof? Dastardly!

    From the box on page 9 ---

    Features of True Religion - no.5 is: They did not worship merely as individuals but were organised into congregations and were united under overseers and a central body of elders that looked to Jesus as head. Acts 14:21-23; 15:1-31; Eph. 1:22; 1 Tim. 3:1-13

    As others have said - - - they are SO wrong on SO many levels. Where do you start? I'm too tired of it. Instead of starting, I think I'l stop.=SIGH=


  • tula
    Features of True Religion - no.5 is: They did not worship merely as individuals but were organised into congregations and were united under overseers and a central body of elders that looked to Jesus as head.

    Where I come from, we would refer to this as "hive mentality".

    They have the very same talks simultaneously at every meeting at the same time all over the world.

    There is NO PLACE for individualism.

    Salvation depends on belonging their ORGANIZATION. (They have usurped Christ)

    Each JW memorizes the same set of Q and A to present to "worldly people".

    If you have talked to one JW you have talked to them all. These zombies all sound alike. The same catch phrases, the same methods and words in presentation.

    It's like they are already brained chipped.

    Somehow, they have no mirrors to see themselves. They are just as much a part of false religion as any other religious institution.

    ALL religion is false.

    Spirituality is individual and personal and cannot be had through a membership.

  • monophonic

    a major reason why the wtbts discourages higher education and tries to get teens pioneering in high school, so they'll have no reference how to really do research and learn and experience life for themselves, but stay under the information filter of the wtbts.

  • MissingLink

    If you use their reasoning you could say that the Jews in Nazi Germany were a very united people. They all wore the same clothes and did the same things all of the time. Truly a sign that they were god's approved people? The witnesses are "united" because nobody is allowed to think. Thinkers are quicky removed, and the rest are living under fear and guilt to keep them in line.

  • cognac
    that there is one true religion and you MUST find it. (pssst- we are it!)

    lol - that's was too funny!!!

  • monophonic

    great analogy missinglink.

    and, the nazis were mostly united in their belief system, if they weren't, action was taken against them....kind of sounds like, uh, hmm?

  • DJPoetech

    The Watchtower uses a circular argument recipe to keep sheeple dizzy. Observe:

    1. God's Organization (the Watchtower) says you need

    God's Organization to understand the Bible because

    2. the Bible says you do, and the only reason you know the bible says

    this is because

    3. God's Organization says that that's what is says

    4. Add 1/2 cup false prohecies that benefit themselves, and stir


  • FreeWilly

    So you ARE going to write back, right?

  • Watkins
    So you ARE going to write back, right?

    We correspond regularly. I probably won't address their comments, just thank them for thinking of me and sending the mag. They are... like... 100 years old and ill. I've tried talking with them a couple years ago when I was first finding this stuff out, but they did not want to hear it. Not wishing to alienate them completely, we left it hanging. I haven't gone to a meeting in 6 years.... but they never fail to 'miss' me there. Of all the Witnesses I know - these 2 are unique and have never shunned me and never would.(even though I'm not df'd or da'd, I'm 'marked' and have been shunned by other 'good' Witnesses) I think God well knows their hearts' intent and they'll be fine with Him. They are good people, even under the WT influence, and I'm not going to make their last few months on earth a time of confusion and heart-break. I know what I went through - I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies, even if I had any. So no - no confrontations here. Actually, when I was confronted by the elders to make a decision 'in or out', these old friends were my chief concern, that they'd be hurt somehow. One elder understood completely and has left me alone for a while - our dear old brother isn't long for this world. Dear God, I wish they all had feeling hearts...

  • Santisimo

    It's hard to believe the WTS is still on that old "true religion" topic despite the child abuse settlements. The WTS acts like no one watches the news or has a web connection.


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