The Wonder Years - any fans?

by NewYork44M 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    Havent seen this show in a long time. But I enjoyed watching it.To get you in the mood here is the last scene of the series.

    I grew up at the same time described in the series. I was the thrid child. But I could only wish I had the experiences of Kevin. While he was out growing up and learning about life, I was going to meetings and selling watchtowers and truth books preparing for the end of the world.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    My husband got me into that show in 93 when we married. What a great show, hilarious and smart and a great tribute to childhood memories. The last ep when he said soon after HS his dad died, I cry just thinking about it, makes his memories that much more pungent.

  • UnConfused

    Wonderful show, did you also like Freaks & Geeks? That was terrific.

  • worldtraveller

    Yup, at least back then. I remember the Winnie situation always wondering if she would ever hook up with Kevin. They never did, did they?

  • worldtraveller

    The funniest line I remember was when they invited a large chested neighbour over for dinner or whatever and there were a bowl of tomatoes on the table. "Would you look at the size of those tomatoes" someone said( could be the older goofy brother?)- just about peed myself!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    The tomato episode was classic.

  • lonelysheep

    Yes! I used to watch that show religiously. :)

    Freaks & Geeks was great as well.

  • Dagney

    Oh yeah...I was right there at that age, at that time and those sentiments. Loved the show. Thanks for posting it, I haven't thought of it in a long time.

  • NewYork44M
    The last ep when he said soon after HS his dad died, I cry just thinking about it, makes his memories that much more pungent.

    I was not expecting him to say that. An ending that was well done.

  • bluesbreaker59

    my favorite show of all time, I learned alot about life through that show.

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