I've posted a few links in the past to Youtube JW music video's but I came across this guy and I am impressed.
His name is Brendan Vincent Owens and he has his own website selling his songs. It is not immediately apparent that he is a JW. It is only because I found one of his latest songs on Youtube that led me to his website. It is a song sung by a four year old girl and for the most part is sweet, except for the fact that it is full of praises for JW org.
Here's another sample of different songs he has made
I have to admit they are really good and very professional, nothing like the recent songs the organization has put up on JW org. It's hard to fathom why the org wouldn't try to seek out his services, maybe he charges too much. From what I can figure out he has been doing this for many years as someone left a comment stating that they had grown up listening to his songs
The other reason why I'm pretty sure he is a JW - most of his songs have the comments disabled.
The thing is, they obviously have the talent available within their rank & file but can't get their act together to make the most of it and improve their presentation.