Local customs

by Samuel Thorsen 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    Here in Norway dubs are dancing while having a wedding or some other party, but in Sweden dancing in a big no no.

    I know one congragation in southern Norway where the sisters are alowed to wear pants during FS, while pants in FS just don't happend ever in the congos around in the same area.

    Any local differences in your area?

  • Rooster

    Jehovah's Witnesses in my area of the world like to take off all of their clothes and dance naked with anyone who will bump & grind with them.

  • worldtraveller

    It's bad enough to see white people trying to dance-wxcept for JT. He's good on the superbowl. But try to imagine a bunch of white Jw's trying to do some sort of dancing to a rap song. Someone PLEASE poke my eyes out.

  • ShirleyW

    A sister I know from the Baltimore area told me that when she grew up there they didn't spin records at receptions, amazing how JW's in certain regions believe that they are closer to Jah by no music at wedding celebrations.

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