Okay, so I've seen the first boring part of the DVD singing the praises of the WTS for their wonderful literature and dedication to distributing it in hopes of enlightening the masses. Now gearing up to watch part 2- "our whole association of brothers" -or something like that. I plan on taking notes regarding questionable beliefs, etc. I'm asking y'all to help out with some clues as to what I should watch for and pick out for discussion with my husband who is studying with the JW's and still hasn't ruled out joining. Help a girl out?? Thanks in advance, 'cause I already have experienced the warm, caring nature and helpfulness of the group, so I know you will help. Peace and love to you all! :)
?ing the JW intro DVD
by potentialJWconvertswife 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm not familiar with the DVD but I'll gladly bttt your thread.
Good Luck with your research. I've been enjoying your posts.
Same here, have no idea what is on the DVD, and I know I wouldn't want to sit through it in any case!
Just bumping the thread... does anyone know about the DVD?
In the meantime, any subject you could possibly want to know about the Witnesses (all the things they do NOT want you to know) is in this forum... seek and you shall find.
Also, this may be of help:
Cheers and GOOD LUCK!
Baba -
Eek! I thought for sure I'd see a bunch of posts on this one...still looking for help. I've been tolfd the FDS is one thing to question. What else? Anyone???
I havent watched that drivel DVD in awhile, so my memory is foggy. But if you read the cult book by Steve Hassan, I am sure you will see some correlations between the DVD and his book...
Snakes ()
I saw the DVD during a study recently, and have a few observations, though hardly enough to do a full review.
One thing permeated the presentation, and that is its boastful tone of the Watchtower accomplishments. The narrator boasted about the printing of over 2 billion pieces of "life saving" literature each year, and over 100 million Bibles printed since the turn of the century. But which century? That was not clear.
There was further boasting about the extensive real estate holdings, farm and facilities of the Watchtower, while skirting the matter of their dollar value. Cash flow and stock holdings were not mentioned.
When there was a segment about the blood doctrine, I had to pause the DVD and ask something of the study conductor. There was a JW who was telling a doctor how to do his job! I asked what kind of training he had so that he would be telling a doctor what to do. I was told he was an elder, so asked what kind of profession an elder would have. Something like a construction job or janitor was the answer. I was incredulous. I asked if it would be appropriate if a doctor came to the Kingdom Hall and instructed them how to practice religion. I pointed out that this practice of telling doctors what to do with blood was an abomination as it had caused many people's death over the years and that the bloodguilt on the Watchtower must be enormous at this point.
One other memorable scene was some kind of meeting at Bethel. It appeared to be a discussion about some building plans, and the speaker recommended a certain plan. In an amazing display of groupthink everyone who spoke agreed with the plan with no dissent or even additional comments.
The second segment was a boasting segment about how loving and organized JWs are, and how military and government could learn a lot from studying how they accomplish goals. At one point I thought I saw something on a street sign behind a street preacher so I paused it and caught a "666" on a sign. I would really like to own a copy of this DVD as I am sure a slow play of it would turn up a gold mine of subliminal items.
Definitely worth a viewing, if you have first done some homework about the Watchtower history.
Kurt: You rock! Thanks so much. Turns out it wasn't the intro dvd, but a different one...but I'm sure we will get to the intro next, so good to know what's coming. The one I watched also seemed kind of boastful, and I was able to raise a lot of questions just by watching it. Anyone else? Stilla are you around? I figure you might have some insight on this...
One other thing that I recall, the narrator mentioned "free labor" in connection with a kingdom hall build.
This bothered me so much I had to pause it and make some observation about it.
The labor is not free! It may be free to the WT corporation, which explains why they squander labor like it is a nearly unlimited resource. This comes at a cost to the donor of the labor, who has direct expenses of maintaining themselves, and transportation. They also have the expense of their time, which is a limited resource and could be used for something else beneficial and productive that brings value.
That the WT would dismiss their labor as being "free" is so disrespectful that it is unconscionable.