I want a wife

by hamsterbait 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    Has anybody got a copy of this very witty article by Judy Brady?

    I read it years ago as a student. Along with "A Room of one's own" by Virginia Woolf, it should be requiired reading for all the ignorant witlesses with penises.

    Hopefully they will then start to see women as PEOPLE instead of challenges, servants and whores.

    Don't bother getting up your hopes...


  • AK - Jeff
  • BurnTheShips

    I want a wife-who is just like me. Fortunately, I have one.


  • WTWizard

    I never did see women as second-class people. They have traits that men do not have that help society. They might not be as physically strong as men (in a general sense--it is possible that the strongest women to be stronger physically than many men), but they have the ability for fine detail. Most men fall flat on their faces in activities that require fine hand movements, like sewing and assembling things where fine detail is more important than brute strength.

    Intelligencewise, women are equal to superior to men in many areas. Many of them excel in math and sciences. Some (I am not, however, going to endorse Hillary Clinton here) are better leaders than the men that force themselves in those positions. Where I went to high school, for instance, the top 5 in my class had 4 women (I was only #4; the top 3 were women). This is reason enough to give them a fair chance in society's leadership roles and not force them into servitude. SHAME ON YOU, WATCHTOWER SOCIETY, FOR FORCING WOMEN TO LIVE AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS!

    Another observation is that blondes are notall dumb! Some of the smartest people that I have ever seen were blonde (and female, at that). I have also noticed that there are very few blonde Witlesses, and the ones I have seen there are mostly born in. (And, hopefully, most of them manage to turn apostate.) I think those who created those stereotypes did not do any statistical analysis, or they flunked statistics.

    This is just one more reason I hope for the demise of the Watchtower Society. While rappers portray women as whores and bxxxxs, that is solely entertainment. The Watchtower Society tries to force women to live as second class citizens, as opposed to merely providing entertainment. Society in general also resists women advancing, but to a lesser degree (though, for our freedom's sake, I would still rather see Ron Paul than Hillary Clinton as president). If, however, we did see a lady that was pro-freedom and anti-regulation, I would support such as president before I would support any of those male chauvinist PIGS.

  • mkr32208

    Shame on women for taking it when they know better...

  • LouBelle

    you see I wasn't one of those idiot women that took what the society had to say with regards to subjection and bla blah blah to heart. I wasn't one of those that were so desperate to get a husband by the time she was 18. I wasn't bothered with putting on a show at the conventions.

    ....................................okay so NOW I'm looking for a husband

  • AlyMC

    I take offense at the "idiot women" comment.

    I don't know, I'm a complete feminist now and believe in a different way... but I have a ton of empathy for the women who haven't found their way out of those confines.

    The reason they are there is because they've been told for years that they are dumb, helpless, worthless beings who can only hope and pray for the acceptance of a man. As women, shouldn't we speak them up instead of further break them down?

  • LouBelle

    Are you serious about taking offence????

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