The misrepresentation of the Trinity by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WTS) and its focus on “Jehovah” God helps the organisation maintain a stranglehold on its followers. It also deters ex-followers from moving to other belief systems.
My study “The Trinity Exposed!” aims to show what a Trinitarian believes, and their reasons. This should help dispel the WTS’s misinformation.
The study (1.45 MB) is available at:
The WTS portrays “God” in terms of power, superior authority, rulership, and activities. The Trinitarian defines “God” in terms of nature and essence. This is one explanation for the difficulties that followers of the WTS and Trinitarians have when they communicate.
This Study also touches on the WTS, showing its misunderstandings and its misuse of sacred and secular writers.
The focus of future studies into the Trinity should be more on the actions of the WTS, using that information to demonstrate how the WTS does anything that permits it to manipulate its followers’ minds.