...it's blood stance with medical reasons. They've put out countless articles and brochures on the subject based purely from a medical standpoint. I just scratch my head at this. The reason they don't take blood is Acts 28:19,20, that's it. What's the need for all this extra fluff on the risks of blood transfusions? Is it because they (brooklyn) know that giving solely a biblical reason isn't going to cut it with the general public?
Why does the Watchtower feel it needs to justify...
by B_Deserter 9 Replies latest watchtower medical
I think the idea is to show that Jehovah "knew what he was doing" when he banned blood. "See? Jehovah's people have known all along how deadly and useless these things were, and now hospitals are trying to use bloodless techniques, too."
They conveniently leave out the stats on people saved by blood.
Even as a JW, B_D, I thought it was stupid to present "medical" reasons for our "scriptural" stand. But looking back now, I think that was the idea.
choosing life
They use false medical info to scare people. Fear of diseases and bad reactions to blood, greatly amplified by them, keep many away from blood when they no longer believe most of what jws teach.
Fear is always their trump card.
Well they are reenforcing the belief system by using information that supports their biblical view. This is the same thing that creationist do regarding evolution and Scientologists do about psychiatry. You want to reassure the follower that they are following the right and true path.
chicken little
The idea is also to get jws to abhor blood, which is rather strange as blood is sacred in Gods view. I have seen witnesses go white in the face just looking at blood sausage, blood bags in hospitals etc. The degree of morbid fear of blood is really quite exceptional. The next thing close to it is fear of demons.
Good observation, chicken little. The Jews readily spilled blood (sacrifices) and splatted it around, and I can't imagine them going white at the sight of it.
the blood stance can't stand on its own w/o the good medical reasons. it makes it more convincing if you have medical reasons for it. they just don't highlight the other side of it with the good medical reasons for a blood transfusion.
Consider, if there was no argument that blood was life saving medical treatment ? How might the dubs view it? It would something they was withheld from just because "Jehovah says so" ..The question would be asked "Why?" "Is Jehovah being unreasonable, holding back something good ?" Blood would become the "forbidden fruit" - and we all know what happened to that...
Much better to latch on to any medical discussion and trumpet any objections to it (in our out of context) Then the sheep think that they are being protected and that it is all for their own good. (Isn't "The Truth" wonderful?)
BTW . My wife is at the meeting tonight and says that they are to have the annual Blood card item ..Glad I'm not there...
real one
so many people have died behind this blood issue...not to mention the deaths that have taken place from this group as a whole. Satan wants a lot of people to die and this group is helping him.
I don't think they should call it the "Blood Card" a more appropriate name is" DeathCard"
They try to justify pedophilia so why shouldn't they try justify the blood issue. Its all about power. And we all know that the organizaiton is losing that power and they know it.