Do you think the Governing Body cares what Jesus really thinks about the manner in which they govern His sheep?
Do They Care?
by Honesty 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It doesn't seem as they do. They just use Him. They don't want to be like Him and live by His example, they want to be Him!
Actually, the memo is being sent out To All Congregations as we speak.Jesus now works for them.What he thinks is irrelevant.
They do not care about what Jesus thinks, or would have thought. Remember, Jesus disrupted the money changers twice when they were dishonest--I wonder what Jesus would do now if he ever saw the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, the artificial a$$embly deficits, or the double donation arrangement for littera-trash.
Jesus would have probably corrected Rutherford in no uncertain terms for banning Christmas. It is in the Bible that the angels celebrated his birthday (Luke 2:10-14). While Jesus might have corrected them on the date, I doubt that he would make any attempt to put a stop to it just because people have the wrong date in mind.
I also think Jesus would have something to say about the hounders' being so nosy in personal taste matters. So what if someone likes rap that glorifies using drugs? That person isn't using drugs--an independent thinker listening to that music can be entertained by it without being moved to start doing as they say ("Do not try this at home!)". Or, a person chooses to go to college. Jesus wouldn't have seen anything wrong with that, even if it meant getting a career and a slow, sustainable share in the ministry (which Jesus might have something bad to say about). And I think Jesus would speak out against the hounders that insist on no beards, having a white dress shirt, the collar button done in very hot weather, sisters out with nylons in very hot weather or no pants in frigid conditions, and having the skirt lengths being tightly regulated.