Hey Folks! This is just an example of how the uber-dubs shun all of society.
My daughter and her best friend went skating the other night. My cousin's daughter (who is still a JW) was there. A sister from the hall had taken a few of the dub kids out for some wholesome fun.
My cousin's daughter went over to sit with my daughter and her friend. They are friends in school. Sister Uber-dub calls my cousin's daughter away from them, telling her that she needs to stay over there with the witness kids. My daughter was super pissed, her friend's feelings were very hurt.
What a great witness.
Anyhoo, Mom came over this morning to bring me my magazines. I told Mom about what happened. I also told Mom had I been there, I woulda slapped that sister silly. Mom left, I think she's mad and suspects my apostacy.