Watchtower religious advisers on trial

by edmond dantes 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The Watchtower Organization is now currently on trial and the courtroom is the internet .The defendant is of course the Watchtower Organization and what a hopeless case they are making of their defense.The jury is anybody who comes to the JWD forum with an open mind and is willing to examine both sides of the case and willing to give their verdict.

    As with any court case expert witnesses for the prosecution are called many of whom are found here in this court room.Many witnesses are called who have had first hand experiences of living the life of a JW and their testimony here continually proves that the Org. has spent years expertly manipulating words , misleading their own members and the general public.

    They are a book publishing company and life insurance company at the same time .Their scam is a unique succes as they never have to pay out on their insurance policys' , their so called life expectations of "you can live here for ever " predictions ,for instance , have never materilised and yet they are still able to offer the same scam year in year out and of course they do it in business suits ,to cleverly impress ,and unfortunatley people keep falling for their plausible writings. There mantra is keep buying into the concept and persuade others to do likewise and don't forget to send in the financial contributions.

    How do you find for the defendant guilty or not guilty?

  • llbh

    Guilty as charged

    Sentenced to examintion on JWD and the evil internet


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    A @W

    That was so funny. Like the Judge said to the man in the dock "have you been up before me before ?" and the man said "I don't know your honour what time did you get up?"


    LOL - I liked this one too.

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  • llbh

    Lol Robin

    Very funny


  • OnTheWayOut

    WT's 2nd president was a lawyer that liked this "on trial" language in the writings of the cult.
    He taught his client and the subsequent lawyers well.

    They have actually been on trial long before the internet. They have appealed and plea-bargained
    in the past. They have lost, but didn't let that stop them. They have been found guilty of
    stealing people's lives, guilty of treason against a war-time government. Still, they get out of it
    eventually. TIME SERVED, again and again. Then they print new stuff.

    I don't know where their trial is now. They were found guilty in 1976 of false prophecying, but they
    appealed. In 1995, they changed their plea to not-guilty by reason of NEW LIGHT. Many of their
    victims bought that. It's hard to convince the jury when the victims want the murdering liars to go
    free. NEW LIGHT again in 2008 has come up. I think they are currently awaiting more appeals.

    Fortunately, the internet has revealed their scam. Even if they never hang for their crimes, they
    are running out of victims. One day, they will close shop. Perhaps they will serve time. Perhaps

    The analogy doesn't fit perfectly. You can blast holes in it, just like their doctrines. But who cares?:

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I find them guilty of Artificial Intelligence

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