* http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1999/9/1/article_01.htm
Kind of hypocritical for them to make fun of people's medical superstitions when only 50 years ago they were telling people that cooking in aluminum causes cancer, and that immunizations were actually nothing but pus injections, NO?
* http://watchtower.observer.org/
this viewpoint (thanks, Kent) show how hypocritical they are.
Vaccination - a crime against humanity
ONE OF C. J. WOODWORTH'S MAJOR PET PEEVES came out in his ongoing tirade against vaccinations. During the centuries great plagues and illnesses have taken hundreds of millions of victims, sometimes even devastated civilisations. Now, humanity was on the verge of a new age, when plagues as old as mankind were about to be extinguished. The tool was compulsory vaccination programmes. Especially smallpox, one of the most deadly diseases in history, was targeted for extermination, and thanks to the vaccination programme this was accomplished.Woodworth did not consider this programme a benefit to humankind:
"Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows seeds of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccinations is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion"
(Golden Age, Jan. 5,1929, p. 502)Yes, a vaccination was "a crime" and was sometimes likened to a rape (like JWs today say about blood transfusions). Moreover, like almost everything else it has been used as a "sign of the last days:"
"Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice. . . . We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed. . . . Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations." (Golden Age, Oct. 12, 1921, p. 17)
In the world view of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, then as now, the three major evil forces in the world are false religion, governments which are ruled by Satan, and the oppressive Big Business. It was the latter that was responsible for the misinformation campaign that vaccinations were beneficial:
"The public is not generally aware of how large an industry is the manufacture of serums, anti-toxins and vaccines, or that big business controls the whole industry. . . . the boards of health endeavor to start an epidemic of smallpox, diphtheria, or typhoid that they may reap a golden harvest by inoculating an unthinking community for the very purpose of disposing of this manufactured filth."
(The Golden Age, Jan. 3, 1923, p. 214)