In previous Threads related to “blood”, I have noted that on my web site, I make available the definitive work, “The Meaning of the word ‘Blood’ in Scripture”, by Stibbs (at: ) and also selected pages from “The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross” by Leon Morris (at: ).
In the Preface to his later book “The Atonement: Its Meaning and Significance”, Leon Morris wrote:
This book is written out of the conviction that the cross is at the heart of the Christian way. This is the way of salvation and it is the way of Christian living. I have tried to bring out for people who are not experts in theology or in the study of the biblical languages something of the meaning of the great terms used in the New Testament to convey the significance of the atoning work of Christ. The cross is central to Christianity. It is the new and living way into the very presence of God.
The subject-matter is of course that of my previous book, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross. I have often been asked to lecture on the subject-matter of that book, not infrequently to groups of lay people who could make nothing of its technicalities. The experience has led me to believe that there would be some advantage in putting on paper in simpler form some of the things I then said.
But this book is not simply a re-hash of the older work. I have made new points in every chapter and I have included some studies not in the previous book, such as the chapters on the Passover and on the Day of Atonement. I have also introduced a chapter on sacrifice which includes matter in the earlier work, such as the section on blood, but which is written from a different perspective and includes much that the older work did not.
The Introduction to the book “The Atonement” and the pages related to “Blood” are available as a 2.14 MB file at:
Psalm 121