February 9, 2008 http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1069.htm
US Government Targets Its Own Citizens In Massive Tax Rebate Fraud
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
In what one Russian Economist has stated is ‘the most massive fraud in human history’, the United States has targeted its own war weary citizens for financial destruction with the passage of new law that the American people, being told by their propaganda media organs, believe will give them tax rebate checks up to $1,200.00.
Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, of Russias Ministry of Economic Development, and who accurately predicted the September 11, 2001 attacks upon America, states that this new US Law, titled “Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008”, and to be signed into law by President Bush, does not, in fact, give any money at all to the American people, but instead is a loan on taxes for money earned by US citizens during 2008.
Dr. Koryagina states that the deception by the US War Leaders against their own people is contained in the very words used in this new law, and which says: “SEC. 6428. 2008 RECOVERY REBATES FOR INDIVIDUALS.`(a) In General- In the case of an eligible individual, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by subtitle A for the first taxable year beginning in 2008 an amount equal to the lesser of--`(1) net income tax liability, or`(2) $600 ($1,200 in the case of a joint return).”
The significance, Dr. Koryagina points out in understanding the exact wording of this new law, lies in the section name that states ‘rebate’ (a return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund), but in the actual wording of the law states that these monies are a ‘credit’ (an entry of payment or value received on an account) against imposed taxes for 2008.
Dr. Koryagina’s report to the Kremlin further points out that this new law is, in fact, a deceptively engineered ploy by the United States to pump billions of dollars into their failing banking system as nearly half of Americans (currently staggering under a record $2.5 trillion in personal debt), in a new poll conducted by International Council of Shopping Centers and UBS Securities, have stated they will use these checks to pay off creditors.
An American economist, Peter Morici from the University of Maryland, has also noted the odd ‘coincidence’ that the amount of monies under this new law equal the massive losses incurred by US banks from their loan debacles, and as he states:
“It’s a good thing [US stimulus package] , but it’s not enough to head off recession. We’re talking about $150 billion, so this roughly offsets what the banks have lost” in soured housing investments."
The greatest affect of this new law upon the American people, states Dr. Koryagina in her report, will be felt in 2009 when these ‘rebates’, given to them in 2008, will become due against their taxes, and which will push vast numbers of them into financial freefall.
In just one of the many examples Dr. Koryagina has complied in her report: an American married couple with 3 children would receive $1,200.00 for the man and wife with an additional $300.00 for each child, bringing the total to $2,100.00. But, with the average US Tax Refund amount being just over $2,500.00 per family, this exampled family would see no tax refund at all in 2009.
To the American people themselves there appears to be no understanding of the massive fraudulent complexities involved in the destruction of their way of life by their War Leaders, but, to the full extent of dangers posed to mankind by the monsters controlling the US they have left no doubt as to the depths of depravity they intend to plunge us all into, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "US says no one too young for Guantanamo court", and which says:
"But a U.S. Department of Justice attorney, arguing for the prosecution, said that if Congress intended to exclude juveniles from the Guantanamo war court, it would have explicitly written that, because lawmakers knew Khadr could face charges. Instead, Congress wrote the law using the term "person," which legally refers to "anyone born alive," Justice Department attorney Andy Oldham said."
One cannot but shudder in fear for the American people having to live under such a despotic regime that sees nothing wrong with jailing “anyone born alive”, and the comparison of this US Officials statement with those of last century’s German Nazi Regime does indeed raise the specter of the wholesale jailing of American men, woman and children.
All that is needed now by the war mongering US War Leaders to totally destroy their own citizens is the total collapse of their economy, and which this new law will surely accelerate.
© February 9, 2008 EU and US all rights reserved.
[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]
Economic Stimulus Package
by freydi 4 Replies latest social current
Actually, this woman doesn't seem to know what she's talking about.Sounds more like propaganda to me.I'm sure at least some of the Russian ruling power wouldn't mind seeing the U.S. crumble.The basic premise (or logisitcs in this case) for the Stimulus Package is that the first $6,000 that you make in 2008 will not be taxed as the 10% tax bracket is reduced to 0%.So if you normally would have been taxed 10%, which comes to $600 (the amount of the rebate)-then you naturally would have had to wait until 2009 to receive it as part of your refund.However, since it will be given early, in May-June of 2008- they call it an "Advanced Payment".They want to get it into peoples hands now so as to stimulate the economy instead of waiting until 2009 when the refund would normally show up.This woman is a favorite of conspiracy theorists and really likes to dramatize things.Obviously, the money getting out there will benefit the banks, but it certainly benefits the public too.
All that's going to do is stoke inflation. Any time you put money into a system without increasing the value, you are having more money chasing the same package of value. When that happens, you are going to get a situation where it is going to cost more to buy things. At first, people are going to welcome the money and probably spend it (I hope on things they were going to need anyway). But, eventually they are going to repay that (and then some) with higher prices on goods.
If you really want to stimulate the economy, you need to inject value without adding more money. If you add value, you now have the same amount of money chasing increased value. Now, you have more value than people demand, which is going to drive prices down. The more value put in the system, the lower the prices have to go in order for it all to be absorbed. You will get people buying things they need (and creating things others need), and prices will fall. That people will put off purchases when that happens only works to a point. If value continues to be added, one can purchase everything they could ever want with a measly paycheck. When that happens, those Federal Reserve Notes will start piling up, and eventually people will just give away value. At which point, the currency becomes the satisfaction of creating value and making the world a better place. Now, you will never have to worry about inflation again.
I think that lady is spewing propaganda also.However, what worries me is I think that the massive devaluing of the USD is brought on to usher in the Amero currency as a prelude to the North American Union.Now whether or not this is all crazy talk remains to be seen. But the way things are heading and the way new laws are being phased in without the consent or knowledge of the public and the more evidence that is brought to light the more I see it being more than a conspiracy theory. It is a damn shame to because I moved to Canada to get the hell away from the USA.
The Mainstream media has been talking down the economy every since Bush took office. Sooner or later it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if people hear it long enough.
However, the current housing market crisis is a direct result of a Clinton policy which Bush kept in place for whatever reasons he did. Clinton, with his usual socialist ideology, pressured the banks to loan money for houses to people with not so good credit, the sub-prime market. Now we can debate the relative merits of forcing banks to give money to people for homes they couldn't really afford in order to increase home ownership 'til the cows come home, but the results are kicking us in the gonads right now.
Its just like any other left-wing policy, it feels good now but it doesn't work in the long run.