What do you all think about this video?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHXe7x5pzD4 He predicted 9/11 two years in advance. He predicted the end of the Cold War a year before it happened. He predicted the coming of the AIDS epidemic two years before it hit. He predicted both Iraq Wars two years before the first one even began. He predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall. He predicted the Indonesian Tsunami and told the people living there to move from the coast while they could. But people didn't listen. Will you listen? Tom Deckard is a Messianic Jew and a Prophet who has been 100% accurate with every prophetic word and vision. Prophet Deckard has prophesied to presidents, prime ministers, and leaders all over the globe. He has seen miracles of Biblical proportions throughout the course of his ministry. Through him the Lord has healed the blind, the deaf, the lame and those with terminal cancer. In one crusade in Africa alone, over 800 people were healed from AIDS and went back to the doctor and were medically certified as having been healed. He has even seen three people raised from the dead during his ministry. The Visions That God Has Given Him Regarding The Future Of America Are Terrifying For Christians And Skeptics Alike. Prophet Deckard Has Never Missed On A Prophecy During His Entire 32 Year Ministry. If You Are Ready To Hear From A Real Prophet, Then You Must See This Stunning Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHXe7x5pzD4 So are you convinced? Are you now willing to believe that he is a real prophet of God? God is real, and He has real prophets who do REAL miracles even today. Are you ready for a mighty move of God to sweep the world?
Video: Tom Deckard - The Prophet Who Predicted 911 & Iraq Wars - Opinions??
by MandM 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I prophesy that in 2019, Deckard will be out hunting replicants in the streets of L.A.
Burger Time
So he predicted them yet didn't try to do anything to stop them? Doesn't this make him an accessory to mass murder by our court system? I think he is a steaming load of crap.
Oh and another thing, how come "prophets" always make themselves look like such unbelievable freaks? At least Edward Cayce looked like a normal guy. Does he really need all black and that goofy beard? I mean really?
healed from AIDS and went back to the doctor and were medically certified as having been healed
Could come in handy when deciding if a relationship should continue....
"I know this is an awkward question, but are you, you know, um...free from certain...um...you know, diseases?"
"Glad you asked! Look here, I have medical certifications from leading physicians stating that I'm free from AIDS [pulls out one paper], syphilis [pulls out another], dengue fever [and another], beri-beri [and another]."
"And what about consumption?"
"What? Who gets consumption? No, I don't have anything on consumption."
"Sorry mate, no medical certification on being free from disease, I don't think we have a future together."
He appears credible to me.
I tried to Google him, but could only find various religious websites and no impartial ones (red flag) and absolutely no mention on Wikipedia.
Searched YouTube, and only the one video, posted by the original poster here (welcome, btw, although I fear you're a post-and-run'er) turned up.
For being a bonafide prophet with no misses in 32 years, you'd think he'd be getting some more press.
That said, I did watch the video.
He apparently predicted, in the 70's, that a large portion of California would go into the sea, and urged people to move (02:54 - 03:18 in the video). How does this gel with the claim of 32 years of consecutive, fulfilled prophecies? Or was this his last failed prophecy before the "winning streak"?
If so, it's curious that he in 1988 and 1989 predicted a great US economic depression, and then a famine in the US (comparable to third world); inflation, panic, suicides etc. And in 2003 and 2005 I think it was (the video is from 2005 - 06:17,18), he prophecied a huge outbreak of the avian flu, and that it would spread from human to human in a pandemic. None of this has happened (yet?).
Of course - in none of his predictions does he state a specific date or even year that it's supposed to happen.
-To predict an earthquake in California "some time in the future" is no great feat. Everyone is waiting for the next one. America may well be on the way to an economic depression. Avian flu may spread from human to human and even become airborne (by evolution), and everyone knows it. Not such a feat to predict that it will happen "some day soon", where "soon" may stretch on indefinately until it finally happens.
His 'winning streak' of prophecies - - does that mean that all his prophecies that demonstrably haven't come true 'yet' also count in that streak, since they're 'out there in the open' and eventually will come true? In that case - may I interest you in buying a rather tall tower in Paris? It has a great view from the top.
'Gullible' is not in the dictionary.
PS.: listening to him is like listening to my JW mother. Doom and gloom. Seems to me he's reading the papers and extrapolating (guessing) what may happen. If all you have to do is utter some vague, negative thoughts about the future loosely based on current events, without stating a specific time period, to be a prophet, I can do that myself. Sorry if I come across as a cynic, but I am.
People on depression medication SHOULD NOT even get within earshot of this guy.
Just what the world needs, another doomsday prophet. So exactly how is this supposed to be of any positive benefit?