Hi me again! does anyone have any really emotional provoking pictures pertaining to the concept of 'disfellowshipment' ... that I may be able to use for my essay? They don't have to be real, they can be cartoonish... Something like a women in tears while the witnesses throw her out...or something like that...I will have to have a link to give it credit on my work cited page or else i can't really use it. The only other way i can see that working is if you were to include your name or the original artists name , that way i can include it under work cited as 'Painting 1 by John Smith' or whatever...The pictures can be sad, depressing, painful, ...just as long as they're pertaining to the issue of disfellowshiping. And if possible, I guess one picture pertaining to the organizations fantasy world that's painted ..(sadly reminds me of that movie 'the island' ) .."good" or "bad" pictures welcome! Thank you guys!