Mom sent me this today. Ive searched this site' zero results. Anybody got anything on this?
Watchtower Article in Harper's Bazaar.pdf
Not sure if the link came through.
edited for link issues
I'll try to post the artical:
issue 2 June-July 2006
Editor-in-Chief: Monica Karske. Editorial Board: Ewald Beivi, Pirkko Harrela, Monica Karske, Anu Lassila-Lonka, Miia Närekorpi, Erik Ohls, Hans Sohlström, Cai Talvio, Marja Tuderman.
LAYOUT: Niki-Design Oy, layout assistant: Veera Karhuvaara. COVER PICTURE: Herman. COVER: 250 g/m2 UPM Finesse. PAGES: 135 g/m2 UPM Finesse premium silk. COVER PRINTING:
Highly pigmented colors, Erweko Oy, Helsinki. INSIDE PAGES PRINTED BY: Erweko Oy. REPRO-WORK: Reprostudio & Heku, Helsinki. TRANSLATIONS: Käännös-Aazet Oy, Helsinki: André
Boullenger, Mats Holmqvist, Silja Strengell-Leppo, Claudius Technau, Liisa Teirisalo, Kari Wagello. EDITING: Thomas Barbieri, Jane Garner, Reijo Virta. GRAPHS: Maarit Lindberg. PUBLISHER:
UPM, PO Box 380, FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland. TELEPHONE: +358 204 15 111. FACSIMILE: +358 204 15 0308. ADDRESS CHANGES: thegriffi Reproduction permitted
quoting the griffi n as source. The griffi n is UPM-Kymmene’s corporate magazine. It is published four times per year in fi ve languages - English, Finnish, French, German and Swedish - and
has a print run of 60,000 per issue. Mailed worldwide to customers and shareholders. ISSN 1239-4645
from the editor
griffi n 1
In this issue we focus on discussions surrounding the future of
the paper industry. The structural change now affecting papermakers
globally has been expected for a long time - and has
in some ways been welcomed as a way to make the industry
stronger and healthier. Changes will affect all areas of the
production chain, but the end result will be a streamlined,
more productive and competitive industry which will serve its
customers better in an ever tightening business environment.
The whole papermaking and publishing industry is going
through a period of renewal, adopting new ways of thinking
and working. This restructuring is far more than a physical
development, it is a fundamental change in all we do. New
thinking and innovativeness are required at every level - to
tackle everything from energy questions to new markets from
the changing demands of consumers to the implications of
Change is a part of life. We all change every day. Small
changes can build together to create a big change, or a single
idea can make a huge difference on its own. Every
change, every day, wherever it happens, whoever makes
that change, ultimately affects us all.
Monica Karske
the griffi n
The Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower magazine is printed
twice a month - more than 27 million copies are published
simultaneously in 153 different languages. In addition, Bible
literature is available in 413 languages, including Greenlandic,
Palauan and Yapese.
The organization is busy preaching and teaching the Bible’s
message in 235 countries, with no hierarchy or clerical class,
but volunteers operating with high professionalism, enthusiasm
and drive.
The Italian Printery Offi ce, in the midst of well kept gardens
in the northern suburbs of Rome, is the branch which
leads the purchasing of paper for the printing houses owned
by the Jehovah’s Witnesses in different countries. It can easily
be recognized that printing has an important place in their
“Thanks to printing, we are able to reach the largest possible
number of people in any part of the world. The printing
and binding of manuals for the comprehension of the Bible
are an important part of our activities. Even the printing of
Bibles has a very particular importance,” affi rms
, responsible for the Printery Offi ce, accompaniedby Giuseppe Comodi, member of the Printery Offi ce at the
Congregazione Cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova.
Probably no other product in the world has experienced
such a change in production technology than the Holy texts
of the Bible. Most of the early writings were done on scrolls.
By the second century AD., the codex, or leaf-book, was developed.
This was more economical and easier to use. The
Christians were in the forefront of its use, as they saw its value
in spreading the news about the Kingdom of God. It is no
surprise therefore, that Jehovah’s Witnesses have been in
some respects among those in the forefront of the printing
The Watchtower magazine was published for the fi rst
time in 1879. In early 1920, the organization decided to
print on their own to avoid delays in publication and to make
Bibles and other publications available at a low cost. A printing
machine was bought to start production in a factory in
Brooklyn, New York. From that time everything was used that
was offered: from typographic printing with slates of lead to
the high velocity offset printing of today.
To support four-color printing, a computerized pre-press
system had to be developed; and the decision to go ahead
with this was made in 1977. The internal software could
process material for publication in all 413 languages. “One
of the latest steps has been the purchase of seven offset printers
of the speed of 90,000 sheets per hour. Additionally, we
use various machines to speed up the bindery and the shipping
of our publications,” Comodi explains.
printing and publishing
There is hardly a more international printing organization
griffi n 47
text: Thomas Barbieri photos: Herman; Thomas Barbieri
printing and publishing
the griffi n
printing and publishing
A printed page is something concrete
Even though the Jehovah’s Witnesses have an offi cial website
where it is possible to see information in 264 different languages,
and they have increased the production of CD and
DVD audio of Bible literature, the printed message is still the
most important.
“Reading a magazine or a book is the best way to spread
the Bible message in places far away from technology and
for people who do not have any means of support. The printed
page is always something concrete. When you read the
Bible in a relaxing atmosphere, having a book in your hands
is different from having a computer. Considering this, there
will always be a notable use of the printed page,” both Andreotti
and Comodi believe.
Indeed, the specifi c needs of those using the Bible must
be considered when purchasing paper and other materials
for printing. “In book production for example we decided to
use polyurethane glue in book covers for all publications, e.g.
the Bible, since they are used in Africa and Siberia, where
there are extreme climatic changes, humidity, etc. Thus the
polyurethane glue prevents cracking and books falling apart.
Note that our publications are not only for reading, but studying
too, and they are used over and over again,” Comodi
points out.
For printing the Bibles, they use paper grades which provide
clear reading and a long life. All Jehovah’s Witnesses
regularly handle the Bible each day. The paper used for the
magazines works well in a four-color process and, above all,
provides good legibility. Two fundamental characteristics are
thus the opacity and the paper’s performance on the print
machine. The machine ability does not only include good
characteristics in printing but also the stability of the paper
during printing and folding. The reaction to humidity is another
important factor and of course a basic criterion for
printing the Bibles and books is also the thickness of paper.
“For the magazine and the books we generally use MFC
54 g/m² paper, but there are also publications printed with
double coated free sheet paper of 115-200 g/m². When
printing covers, we use cardboard of about 200 g/m², resistant
to folds and usury. Even the use of special cardboard has
an important role. These special materials are used for the
Bibles and books that will be subject to a higher level of consultation.
Unifi ed printing systems
“Our printing machines are the same worldwide. In the past
we used to look for local suppliers of paper, but then searched
global suppliers to reduce costs for the publications, and actually
we are today 80-90% unifi ed in paper purchasing. We
generally work with a specifi c type of paper for a particular
publication. For example from UPM we use Satin 72 g/m²,
and 54 g/m² for some specifi c publications. The paper
comes from UPM Stracel paper mill. At the moment UPM
sends this paper to 11 of our branches in Europe,” Comodi
Centralizing and standardizing purchasing and production
have also taken place among the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
“In this way we simplify the operations, reducing preparation
time, increasing production and quality, and reducing costs.
We are not a commercial organization but supported by private
donations. Most of the work is done by volunteers, who
neither expect nor desire fi nancial return for their services.
We recognize that UPM sees that in us and the uniqueness
griffi n 49
printing and publishing
makes the negotiations very congenial and approachable,”
Andreotti says.
“As with UPM, we always hope to fi nd partners who produce
and sell paper being serious, fl exible and reliable.”
He says that UPM and the printers in Italy have found a
common ground and co-operation regarding stabilizing the
paper to function well in the printing machines. At the moment,
the extranet services offer more detailed information
about paper production. A quick contact in case of problems
also helps to avoid any misunderstanding.
“In the future, the research of new technology for the preservation
of the environment and of the production costs will
be a fundamental point in this co-operation. The continuous
increase of energy prices is a particular challenge,” Andreotti
Printing houses in 18 countries
Comodi points out that they have technicians with notable
experience in every branch in the printing department. On a
global level, there is a group of experts co-ordinating the
various problems of paper quality. The Technical Group regularly
exchanges information about tests of new paper types.
They communicate about printing problems with the paper
plants, and also take into consideration the logistical shipping
and delivery problems to fi nd the best solutions for specifi
c requirements.
“When for example the branch in South Africa started a
new press, we sent people from the German and Italian
plants to assist them in teaching and training on the new
equipment. Thus, they are now self-suffi cient,” Comodi says.
At the moment the Jehovah’s Witnesses print publications
in 18 countries, including the US, Canada and Mexico in
North America; Argentina, Brazil and Colombia in South
America; the UK, Finland, Germany, Italy and Spain in
Europe; Nigeria and South Africa in Africa; India, Japan,
Korea and the Philippines in Asia; as well as Australia.
The Jehovah’s Witnesses are also self-suffi cient in distribution.
Once the order is received, the program starts for printing,
binding and shipping the publications. If not shipped by
courier, the distribution takes place using their own trucks.
Each member of the community receives the publications that
are needed.
Giuseppe Comodi (left) and
Gianfranco Andreotti (right).
Watchtower magazine has a
print-run of over 27 million copies
twice a month in 153 languages.
Dedicated volunteers have notable
technical experience and expertise
in printing from years of
on-site learning and training.