I have been going to the same doctor's office for 39 years. I have never had any issues with the blood question as I am pretty healthy at 57. So, anyways, I have this severe sinus infection. It feels like my face is going to explode. Nothing new here, happens over the years.
Yesterday, I went to my faithful DR and got all fixed up with the anti biotic and nasal spray. So, I asked her, she's very cute, my wife was with me, thinks the same. I asked her if there was a medical directive on blood in my records? She looked through them and said no. I explained to her that I am NO longer a jw and that I would have no problem with taking blood.
I told her how the jw had changed their views on blood, what with the fractions and all of that crap. She agreed that jw are a real problem in the medical community. I told her that I would have my attorney draw up a directive in my behalf in case blood is ever needed. I have 2 sons, one is still active.
Now here's my question....would you take this opportunity, and send your son a copy of the medical directive that your attorney has on file for you???I am still in good standing but haven't been to the hall in 3 and half years. Don't intend to ever go back.