many of them believe this is their last chance to se e the holy land before judgementday ,they are ordinary people , mainly americans and thats what interests me , i want to find out why people choose to adopt such an extreme belief , says david. do you think the dubs will be allowed to watch this ? they think they are the only ones that teach armageddon so they must be curious . also c4 on thurs curtting edge has a show about folk that make their kids bible bash !!!!
wonderland bbc2 wed evening its about armageddon
by looloo 3 Replies latest jw friends
I saw a clip from this programme this morning of a lady being interviewed. She was asked 'What if you're wrong about the end?' and she launched into the pathetic Pascal's Wager argument. I can see myself sighing at the many ignorant brainwashed people in this one!
It's a very sad phenomenon.
There is a evangelical couple who live up the road from me with two young children aged 3 and 9. They want to move to Israel as soon as possible as they believe that a nuclear war is due to start in Israel very soon and that is why they need to be see the Salvation of God! They think the fiery descriptions of Armagedon in Revelation must mean nuclear holocaust.
Why would anyone in their right minds want to take their children somewhere that they expected nuclear war to begin in at any time?
Excellent! Whether it's on BBC iPlayer, I don't know.
One thing I did notice - the people interviewed all had some kind of tragedy in their past. One couple lost their daughter, another had had six husbands and was full of worry, another had been on drugs. The link from that to believing in the Biblical god and a better life to come seemed obvious. They couldn't face life without a god. I get the feeling they may have even killed themselves without the delusion.
The 17 year old girl needs to learn critical thinking. I almost wish I'd been there to say "I'm sorry, but that's called Pascal's Wager. It's a very bad argument because of this and this..."
They all seemed happy with their beliefs. I saw the same kind of enthusiasm and euphoria at JW assemblies and baptisms. Religion is a fix for many. I think that's one of the main reasons it carries on as strongly as it does.
But the danger of that rang through loud and clear. They had no respect for the Muslims, and they were expecting a war between the non believers and God in Israel. I have the feeling they could make it a self fulfilling prophecy. While I'm embarrased with the human race because of all this nonsense, I can see how delusional comfort can be a strong desire.