As we know that the Elders are the only ones officially allowed to seek out disfellowshipped ones for the purpose of helping the get back into the congregation. I was wondering though, how are they to treat the DF'd when out in public? Are they instructed to completely shun them then? Are they to actually contact the DFed themselves only with theocratic issues then ignore them any other time?
Elders: How were/are you to be towards the disfellowshipped?
by R.F. 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Open mind
Officially, individuals who are DFed and who aren't likely to greet the elders with a shotgun, are supposed to be contacted by the elders annually. This is to see if they are interested in being treated like total dog crap at the K Hall for a minimum of 3-6 months. Ideally, the contact would be made by 2 elders, but in practice, lone elders do it plenty. If the person expresses interest they are asked to put it in writing and then 2 or 3 elders will meet with them. Preferably elders who were on the original Kangaroo Court.
Other than the above-referenced "loving arrangement" elders are supposed to treat DFed people like pond scum too.
Then there's................California:
Many elders here feel like the rules don't apply to them and they are amazingly friendly to DFed ones they bump into on the street. I was blown away the first time or two I saw this happen. Then, since I had the same elder hat, I started treating DFed people nice too. At least for a quick "Hi, nice to see you" at the store. I doubt the CO would approve of any of this.
Other than the above-referenced "loving arrangement" elders are supposed to treat DFed people like pond scum too.
That explains a lot then!
The last time I had a call from an elder was in July (ish) because I attended the memorial last year.
Presuming they're following the usual routine, should I expect a call soon to remind me of the memorial, or wait for the annual call in July? I have no idea what I'm supposed to say. I still don't know if I've been disfellowshipped or not. -
Open mind
If your elders are really on the ball, they'll probably contact you prior to the Memorial.
Then again, I've seen years go by when we talked about it as a body but in reality maybe one or two calls were actually made. Then the CO comes and asks about it. Reasons/excuses are given. Tongue lashing from the CO may or may not be administered depending on many variables.
So I wouldn't stay up late waiting by the phone.
As far as what to tell them if they do call, what are your desires re: JWs? Are you wanting to get reinstated?
Thanks for that info OM.
I often wondered if some elders took advantage of their position and ignored the borg rule of shunning and kept contact with certain ones, making it seem that it was for spirtual reasons.
chicken little
My husband always talked to dfs and had a chat with them, asked how they were doing. He often met one who was dfd and in financial trouble and would help out whenever he could. Some would phone home and excuse themselves for talking to me if my hub was not home. I never put the phone down I just talked as I would to anyone who phoned me. I think many people use their common decency and are governed by that when alone....different matter at the Khall.