I did it to research the Watchtower back in 2001. And again today, it helped my son in his school work. Now let me back up a bit. Today was parent/teacher's conference. My son (6 grade) is very bad at either not doing his home work, or just not turning it in. Some times I just feel like pulling out my hair with him. Anyways, I was wondering why in one class he took a very big drop (he had a B, and it dropped to a D). Found out it was because of this. In January, he went on a field trip to the Shilo Museum, and they learned the history of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer. At the time, they were to fill out a two pages of questions about what they learned. He never did it. But the teacher said that if he turned it in, that he would still get credit for it. So for the last 2 hours, he and I searched the internet for the answers. My son is the type who has a very short attention span. That last 10 minutes was a real duzy. Now my brain is all tuckered out.
I LOVE the internet
by Irish Rose 2 Replies latest jw friends
I Love the Internet, too.
All my friends live there.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
I think I love it too, although, I'm on for recreation a lot and it's hurting my eyes.