They don't make 'em like that anymore!!!

by AK - Jeff 5 Replies latest social entertainment

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I put her CD on this morning and she always makes me smile and dance - and what a beauty to hehold too.


  • willdabeerman

    I am not a fan of Crystal Gayle, but I see what you are saying. You are right that is when music was music and it took talent. These talentless hacks coming out nowadays are pitiful. How hard is it to hook a track from a real song back in the day and butcher it up with asinine lyrics? On that note I will now jam out to some KISS.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Here's the story of how 'Brown Eyes Blue' was created as related by Crystal.


  • ozziepost

    W-e-e-l-l, I guess I've been around performers too long but honestly, that dame doesn't have much of a stage penache does she? rather wooden with a few wiggles - nah, that wasn't much of a professional gig. Gawd, hasn't she learned stage presence after all these years?! Downunder we have scores of performers who 'do the clubs' every Saturday night - much like what we see on this clip.

    Still, I like the voice a little.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ozzie - she came from an era in American Country Music when the 'wooden' look was standard operating proceedure. All the greats looked like deer in the headlights on the stage. She just never lost that look I guess. Never thought of it before.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Wooden look or not, I think the real test of greatness in music is how it is looked at
    much later. Hardly anyone will remember many of today's artists who sing about
    big butts or their shorties. Still some of them will be remembered.

    That "Brown Eyes Blue" goes right up there with famously remembered hits.
    It's great.

    Also, music doesn't have to have great video or stage presence. It just has to be
    great music.

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