I consider myself an independent. In expressing my independence the first man I voted for was Ron Paul when he was the Libertarian parties canidate for president. I also ended up joining the libertarian party.
The libertarian party when I belonged to it back in the 80's was all about limiting, making smaller, controlling the size of Government.
Since that time I have registered but not belonged to both republican and democratic parties.
If you dont register democrat or republican and maintain a pure independent stance, you limit your participation in choosing who the mainstream canidates are.
Having said all that. I doubt any thinking person has much to say about who the presidents will be. They are chosen by our keepers whose wishes are made known by the media. The mainstream media has a hypnotic control on the American population which the exercise through the boob tube.
The biggest problem facing America today as I see it is the loss of decent jobs. Manufacturing jobs that provide benefits and a liveable wage.
Bothe parties Bush the dingbats father and then Bill Clinton supported Nafta and the loss of jobs from the US to Mexico and south America. And both parties and congress have allowed the multi national corporations to export our jobs throughout the world and import the products.
Like Ross Perot said when he was running for presient against the ding bats father. If you dont elect me the whooshing sound you here will be the jobs being sucked out of America through Nafta.
I've seen it and heard it.