The three stages of truth that JWs go through

by truthseeker 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    When first learning about the Watchtower, there are three stages of truth that every JW goes through

    Stage 1 - The truth about the Watchtower Society is ridiculed

    Stage 2 - The truth about the Watchtower is violently opposed

    Stage 3 - The truth about the Watchtower is finally accepted as being self evident.

  • worldtraveller

    Stages of truth??? Wow I just found another oxymoron.

    Truth be told. Most people are looking for an escape from the inevidable end of life. As usual, certain groups prey on the weak minded and search for potential individuals afraid of their own demise. The bait is the mags.. The hook is eternal life.

    An easy formula for some success. However with access to "new light", outsiders can shop from home (the 'net) and find the product is quite defective. Plus many have returned defective merchandise only to find a non existent return policy.

    With that said, I urge everyone to shop elsewhere as the product and return policy at the Watchtower store is below standard.

    Might I suggest looking from within. That store is open 24/7 with truth and happiness abound inside. Lifetime return policy too.

  • The Graduate
    The Graduate

    I could not have said it any better, Uncle WT.

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