Dedicated to Jaguarbass
by The Graduate 6 Replies latest jw friends
John Williams!!!!
The Graduate
Hi, Burn! I never knew you like classical music, too.
Here's the continuation of Vivaldi's. This one is for you.
What's the matter "The Graduate", did you get tired of using your other account "Dogaradodya" or did it get suspended?
Edited : Oh, I see by your last comment on the other account that you were restricted to 5 posts a day. Apparently you learned NOTHING from the restrictions. Why don't you give these videos a rest?
The Graduate
Um... I was roasted while sleeping about three days ago. I was so hurt that I went to Afghanistan. Had it not been for Jaguarbass' PM, I could have quit. But I'll miss you, guys, so I'm back -- "Burn Again".
The Graduate
With due respect, sweetface, this thread is my altar. But I promise not to embed videos in other threads. I learned more about God Science from classical music than from any other source. This is what I would like to share with you, guys.
Love John Williams. I also love how he plays his pieces without sheet music- all from memory. :)