Hi All I have left the Jehovah's Witnesses(JW) organisation after hearing of the death of Emma Gough who was 22 years old and refused blood while giving birth to twins. As I thought of this I thought this would put me in a similar situation but with having a brain tumour operation like I did on 7/12/06 I studied the what the bible teaches book and got to chapter 13 until 28th Oct 07 I left after hearing of the terror of that death. I attended the kingdom hall and book study for 8 months. When I was part of the JW's non baptised. Also I have been to a convention and the Assembly Hall. What got me to go to JW in the 1st place was through a friend who was looking for a girlfriend he been using churches to pick up girls but I only relised this after the meetings in June 07. I thought it was ok. As I got more seriously in to the JW organisation, I was littertually preaching to ppl at work and that friend who took me there in the 1st place. I was next answering up questions in the kingdom hall regardless of which I always did it even study the watchtower magazine and answering up from that. After the time goes by being with the JW, I had negative affects which I didnt notice too much until I started to go depressed on some conversation including where I was telling a mate off for talking about sex to me all the time. Arguements at work where chefs said to me "Uve been brainwashed" and took the mick out of it which lead me to shout at him in anger and shun him but I really went emotional. Telling my neices off for putting a bag over her head made go tearful. Then I was suffering with effects of loneliness and crying at the times during the day either studying or writing documents on the PC. Where they kept saying about the "bad associations spoils useful habbits" I thought I had to take that to action and did but luckly I did it that person and few people at work. I had a friend who I cared for as she had depression I met her on 10th Oct 07, she was telling me about her death of husband and read it in the article and I was very down and crying on her too, some JW nights made me just do that on her too. My friend and I had no clue the JW was causing it, I invited her to the hall one thursday when she got home she was stressed enough to take valium also when she smoked outside the hall, the witnesses were staring at her. She said "Vince I dont think this religion is doing u any good". She had a funny feeling that it was evil, when she did describe how I looked that was after leaving the religion, she said I looked Stressed, Black bags under the eyes and fed up and unhappy. Someone at work said the same to me. When I did hear this news I went funny night before I rang him as If I was scared. Then I text him in the morning from work and wrote "I am Texting u to say I would like end going to the meetings, as this is making me and val depressed as for hearing the news on blood transfusion I opping out as I dont want to happen to me" He wrote back "Should I suggest u keep ur study as normal and that is what faith is all about not giving in to every trial that came along. Pls get back" I wrote back "My brother was same age as that woman and he died through drugs and I hate it", he wrote back to me saying "your brother wasnt prepared to hail hitlar with salute but some may think its silly but that is what faith is all about pls get back", I said "I cant". I did feel very guity and scared after doing that he came to my flat unnounced I showed him the walls due to decorating and basically kicked him out. One night this is where I was very sucidal due to brain op, I was driven to smoking he came back to my flat, I fully explained why I dont want to come back and I did mention to him it is a cult but he denied it and said "If a JW from different congregation comes here can u tell them that u are not interested", I began to lose my temper. One saturday I had another JW showing me the Watchtower mag, I said to him "Which congregation are you from?" he said central, I said to him can you please dont knock on this door again, as all JW are banned from dealing with this flat again and again explained and I did really lose my temper. My other friend who was there but slower at the study than me had a nervous breakdown after I tried to get him out this was when I nearly became violent to a JW but had to control the anger. After that is when I had to see a counseller. Vincent
Experience from a bible study student
by Vincent 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Hi Vincent...welcome!! Sounds like you've been through a lot!
I've broken up your post into paragraphs to make it easier to read:
Hi All
I have left the Jehovah's Witnesses(JW) organisation after hearing of the death of Emma Gough who was 22 years old and refused blood while giving birth to twins. As I thought of this I thought this would put me in a similar situation but with having a brain tumour operation like I did on 7/12/06 I studied the what the bible teaches book and got to chapter 13 until 28th Oct 07 I left after hearing of the terror of that death. I attended the kingdom hall and book study for 8 months. When I was part of the JW's non baptised. Also I have been to a convention and the Assembly Hall.
What got me to go to JW in the 1st place was through a friend who was looking for a girlfriend he been using churches to pick up girls but I only relised this after the meetings in June 07. I thought it was ok.
As I got more seriously in to the JW organisation, I was littertually preaching to ppl at work and that friend who took me there in the 1st place. I was next answering up questions in the kingdom hall regardless of which I always did it even study the watchtower magazine and answering up from that. After the time goes by being with the JW, I had negative affects which I didnt notice too much until I started to go depressed on some conversation including where I was telling a mate off for talking about sex to me all the time. Arguements at work where chefs said to me "Uve been brainwashed" and took the mick out of it which lead me to shout at him in anger and shun him but I really went emotional. Telling my neices off for putting a bag over her head made go tearful.
Then I was suffering with effects of loneliness and crying at the times during the day either studying or writing documents on the PC. Where they kept saying about the "bad associations spoils useful habbits" I thought I had to take that to action and did but luckly I did it that person and few people at work. I had a friend who I cared for as she had depression I met her on 10th Oct 07, she was telling me about her death of husband and read it in the article and I was very down and crying on her too, some JW nights made me just do that on her too.
My friend and I had no clue the JW was causing it, I invited her to the hall one thursday when she got home she was stressed enough to take valium also when she smoked outside the hall, the witnesses were staring at her. She said "Vince I dont think this religion is doing u any good". She had a funny feeling that it was evil, when she did describe how I looked that was after leaving the religion, she said I looked Stressed, Black bags under the eyes and fed up and unhappy. Someone at work said the same to me. When I did hear this news I went funny night before I rang him as If I was scared.
Then I text him in the morning from work and wrote "I am Texting u to say I would like end going to the meetings, as this is making me and val depressed as for hearing the news on blood transfusion I opping out as I dont want to happen to me" He wrote back "Should I suggest u keep ur study as normal and that is what faith is all about not giving in to every trial that came along. Pls get back" I wrote back "My brother was same age as that woman and he died through drugs and I hate it", he wrote back to me saying "your brother wasnt prepared to hail hitlar with salute but some may think its silly but that is what faith is all about pls get back", I said "I cant". I did feel very guity and scared after doing that he came to my flat unnounced I showed him the walls due to decorating and basically kicked him out.
One night this is where I was very sucidal due to brain op, I was driven to smoking he came back to my flat, I fully explained why I dont want to come back and I did mention to him it is a cult but he denied it and said "If a JW from different congregation comes here can u tell them that u are not interested", I began to lose my temper. One saturday I had another JW showing me the Watchtower mag, I said to him "Which congregation are you from?" he said central, I said to him can you please dont knock on this door again, as all JW are banned from dealing with this flat again and again explained and I did really lose my temper. My other friend who was there but slower at the study than me had a nervous breakdown after I tried to get him out this was when I nearly became violent to a JW but had to control the anger. After that is when I had to see a counseller.
Vincent I'm sorry about everything that happened to you including the death of your brother from the use of drugs. I'm a little perplexed by that man that text you that hitler comment, but that's a different story. I am glad you stumbled across this website. You will find the support system you always wanted along with factual information from experienced individuals that will assure you that the decision you've made is the correct one. As you can see on the left hand side of your screen I am a newbie also. I was a baptized witness, but just like you I realized they were trying to brainwash me and others, and the hyprocrisy was beyond unimaginable proportions, I couldn't stand it. I decided to dissociate myself 4 years ago because I would never allow them the staisfaction to kick me out, I left on my own terms which is what they hate the most, they tried hounding me down countless times, to the point that the elder was practically screaming nervously on my phone, I had to change my number. They will continue to harrass you like a cult would because in reality that is what they are. I will assure you your days of being depresses will go away because you found the issue that was causing you so much pain, take it one day at a time. Once again welcome to the website.
Hi Vince sorry about the problems your having they sound similar to what a lot of jws go through when joining this cult.
I have had the same experience some things you put in your thread could have been written by me as i had bad feelings and depression not long after beginning my study and feelings of loneliness and it didnt get better or go away until i go out of this cult.
From my experience a lot of watchtower activity causes these problems and wastes a lot of time that could be spent in more usefull pursuits such as taking an intrest in family and enjoying life.
Hope things start to feel better soon.
WOW!!! Welcome vincent to JWD! Damn these people(JW) . Something has got to give! There has to be some way to come up with a basis for a civil lawsuit against the WTS for all the bullshit grief that they continue to lay upon people.
Cmon, there must be some legalese to hold them RESPONSIBLE!!!!!
If I had the $$ i would get my attorney into this....
It's time for an all OUT campaign of harrasement against the WTBTS!!!!!!!
Hi Vincent - welcome.
Things can only get better now that you are free from them...
On the subject where my girlfriend said this religion was doing me no good, I did some research other day due to a conversation of the her attendence to the kingdom hall and the breakdown. I belived this religion had caused her to have to a near to a nervous breakdown where I called around very early in the morning to help her. She only attended the Kingdom Hall once which was for a Thecratic meeting after that she came home took valium due to stress. Near to a week this nervous breakdown occurred. I thought I mention this as this was troubling me Vincent
Hi Vincent
Welcome to the board..
The sad experience of Emma Gough and the publicity given to it, will I hope make some other 'Bible Studies' think twice about joining that religion. You made the right decision -
Welcome. Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you have a lot the deal with in your life, never mind the control and guilt the WTS tries to put on you. I'm glad you and your girlfriend have one another for support. And that you found some support here at JWD, too. It helps to know that you are not crazy or alone when it comes to combating the JW experience.